Chapter 3: Seduction

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"When a person starts to get overprotective and jealous, it is not because they don't trust you but because they know what others are thinking."'

"Derek, I can take it," Addison says as she sits up.
"I don't want to talk about it." He groans, tired from the night.
"You can. I'm happy to talk." Addison pulls on his fingers and he yawns as his joints crack.
"Addie, I need sleep." He wipes his eyes and sits against the headboard.
"Mark came yesterday and you don't want to yell?" She asks.
"No." He sighs and slides off the bed.
"Call me names?" She asks.
"No." He exhales heavily grabbing a cup of coffee.
"You don't want to throw things?" She asks, getting surprised.
"It's 4 in the morning, Addie. I don't want to talk, yell, call you names or throw things. I just want to drink some coffee and go back to bed." He says exasperatedly, setting the half-empty glass of coffee on the nightstand before sliding back into the warm, Italian sheets. He watches from the corner of his eyes as Addison stares at him.
"Okay." She mumbles, crawling back next to him.
He nods kisses her forehead before turning around and pushing his head into the pillow. An alarm rings and he picks up his phone, incredibly frustrated. Looking at the screen, his face softens.

Meredith's Shift starts at 4:30
He reads in his mind and shuts it off. Too upset to sleep, he sits up and Addison rests her head on his thigh. He opens his contacts and sees her contact information. He gets up and picks up the coffee before pulling on a jacket. He walks outside and lays in the hammock, letting the memories flood him. All the nights when Meredith was snoring, he would sleep in the hammock. It seemed so long ago, and it was. It had been a whole year at the point and he missed her more than ever. Taking a sip of hot coffee, he clicks the call button before holding the phone to his ear.

"Good Morning," Meredith says gently in Mark's ear.
"Hmhmm... very good morning." He smiles and his lips find Meredith's cheek.
"Did you sleep well?" She asks softly moving into his awaiting arms and letting him bury his face in her neck.
"I slept amazingly, what about you?" He asks, pecking her face gently between every word.
"I slept fine. But now I have to get to work." She says slipping out of the bed.
"No no no, what am I supposed to do?" He groans softly and tugs in her fingers.
"I'm going to take a shower. I smell." She laughs.
"You smell amazing. Stay in bed." He complains.
"I can't. I'll be back soon." She kisses his lips quickly and heads into the bathroom before shutting the door.

He groans and kicks the warm blankets on the bed before shoving his head underneath the pillow and pulling the covers to his chin. Hearing the phone ring, he reaches on the nightstand and grabs the phone, clicking the green button with muscle memory.
"Mark Sloan." He yawns.
"What?" Derek's voice crackles through the phone and Mark's head peeks through the sheets.
"Why are you calling me at 4 in the morning Derek?" He groans.
"I'm not. Why do you have Meredith's phone?" Derek asks.
"Huh?" His mind is trying to run without containing the necessary amount of coffee.
"Why are you answering Meredith's phone?" Derek asks again.
"Oh, I-" He starts.

"Who are you talking to?" Meredith walks into the room wearing a towel and Mark's breath hitches in his throat.
"Uhm... Derek called. Sorry, I thought it was my phone." Derek hears him speak through the speaker and tears inch out of his eyes.
Mark had been with Meredith all night. Mark never stayed at anyone's house unless they... No, he wouldn't... would he? Hurt, Derek clicks the red button and stands up. The coffee has long dropped from his fingers and he clenched his jaw in an attempt to push his feelings away. Looking up, his fist clenches around his phone and he starts jogging. He had her, all of her, her trust, her body, her love. Derek had it and he had been such an idiot to leave her. By the time, he reaches the cliff at the edge of his land, he is sobbing and sweating through his heavy breaths. He shouts off the edge and hurls his phone over it, fueled by rage. Anger for Meredith. He had told her not to trust Mark but she was so adamant, so irresponsible. He falls back into the damp grass and lets the waves of sadness overtake him. How could she do this to him? Had she really moved on... with his former best friend?

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