Chapter 2: Commitment

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"Anyone can dabble, but once you've made that commitment, your blood has that particular thing in it, and it's very hard for people to stop you." - Bill Cosby

She walks back to the X-ray room where Mark smiles wide upon her entrance. She nods and hands him the black coat before turning, pretending as if nothing had happened.
"Meredith." He says calmly.
"Dr. Sloan." She replies nonchalantly.
He chuckles and puts on the coat before brushing his knuckles against hers as she stands next to him, studying the scans. Watching her face, he sees her blush and smile. Letting her pinky have what it wants, she tangles it with his.
"I do actually have a job you know?" She asks.
"Hmm. I would've never known." He jokes as they look at the scans again, scared to meet the other's eyes.
She turns and he laughs as he faces her. The green makes him smile wider and the mysterious gray in his makes her lips curve upward in fascination. He takes her hand and runs his thumb over the back of it before bringing it to his lips.
"I'll see you around Dr. Grey." He smiles as he lets her hand go.
He walks past her and walks tall. Each step paining him for some reason. Shoving his hands in his pocket, he chuckles and stops walking as he pulls out a piece of paper that wasn't there before.
"That's illegal in some countries." He exclaims, his back towards her, as he reads the 10 digit number, neatly printed in green ink; similar to her eyes, each one written with meticulous precision.
"I'm sure I have absolutely not one clue what you are talking about Mark. That's been in your coat since you got here." She says seriously, stumping him for a moment.
"I never said anything about finding something in my coat." He chuckles and turns around watching her blush again.
"Ummm- you... I- what I meant was- you-" She stammers making him laugh and turn around before walking away, leaving her in the dust which makes her doubt him.

He walks down the steps of the hospital to the lobby and orders a donut with a black coffee specifically two creams and one sugar with a hint of caramel and mocha. His plans for Meredith Grey run freely in his mind as Addison fades from his mind, obviously still lingering in his mind but not as crucial anymore. Getting the coffee, he orders another, the same with extra espresso. Grabbing a marker, he writes; for the extraordinary Meredith Grey on one before putting the coffee's down and pulling out his phone and the small piece of paper. Dialing the number, he brings it to his ear and smiles hearing her voice crackling through the phone.
"Hello?" She asks.
"Do you like caramel, of course, you do, I know that already." He jokes as he gets on the elevator with the coffees.
"Uh-huh- and how do you know?" She asks.
"I'll tell you soon better yet- I'll show you. If you tell me where you are." He smiles as he gets off the elevator and sees her on the phone, smiling wide.
He hangs up and walks behind her sneakily.
"It's okay, I know that too." He chuckles as she gasps in surprise.
"My apologies Dr. Grey, never meant to scare you." He nods and puts the coffees on the counter as she punches him.
He stares at his chest waiting for the pain long after she stops hitting him and rolls her eyes.
"You have every inefficient fists, in punching at least." He smirks.
She turns and stares, completely mortified.
"What the hell would you use a fist for, if not for punching-?" She asks, raising her eyebrows.
He counts off his fingers, mumbling words to himself while he smirks before she grabs his hand.
"Nevermind I asked." She says as she stares at the coffee he bought her; the words breaking her walls and making tears well in her eyes as she tries to wipe them.
"Meredith-? What is it?" He asks, a hand resting on her shoulder.
"How would you know I'm extraordinary? You met me less than a day ago." She says softly, sniffling as she writes in the chart.
He wraps an arm around her and pulls her into his chest, resting his chin on her head, rubbing her back.
"I can just tell." He says softly. "You've been trying to heal yourself for a long time and I know it's exhausting but you seem to light up the world with you're smile. I know how that feels. Meredith no one recognized that you are trying... but your perseverance is nothing short of inspiration. You are extraordinary." He whispers gently, speaking his mind since he has noticed her anxiety and her pain from just a day. She pushes away from his chest and he wipes her tears before picking up the coffee.
"Now, I paid a lot of money for this coffee. It's much cheaper in New York but you gotta take a sip." He smiles.
She sips and moans in pleasure, the sound turning him on and making him blush greatly.
"This is wonderful, is it from the coffee cart downstairs in the lobby?" She asks.
"It is, and so is this." He says holding out a Boston cream doughnut making her smile.
"Oh, my favorite!" She laughs.
"Mine too." He chuckles.
As she reaches for it, he pulls it back and takes half of it in his mouth making her frown. The jelly is smeared on his lips and she glares, drinking her coffee.
"Mhm. This is delicious." He brags eating the last of the doughnut, more powdered sugar and jelly on his face.
She grabs him and pulls him into an on-call room, closing the door behind him while she pulls his head down and meets his lips, licking the powdered sugar and jelly on his face. He groans in pleasure and smiles as she pulls away and licks her lips.
"Thank you." She walks out of the room, sipping her coffee and leaving him dumbfounded as he slowly finishes chewing.

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