Chapter 14: Time

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"What did you wish for?" He asks as they sit on the edge.
"I can't tell you." She replies, her head resting on his shoulder.
He turns towards her and gently meets her lips. His hands move to her waist and he gently pulls away, feeling plastic on her stomach through her shirt.

"Still not telling you." She says.
"Really?" He scoffs, smiling wide.
"Nope. Soft kisses won't get you my wish." She laughs.
"Okay. It was worth a try. What is this though?" He asks, running the tips of his fingers down the shirt.

"It's nothing." She lies, pushing his hand away.
"Show me please." He asks.
"No. It's just some residual bleeding." She sighs.
"Residual ble- residual bleeding?!" He asks.
"Just a little bit." She nods.
"After a month?" He asks, worried now.
"It's not a big deal." She shakes her head and he scoffs.
"It is a big deal." He replies, lifting her shirt to see a large dressing wet with blood.

"I don't want to talk about it." She says defensively.
"Oh, I know you don't. Let's go. These need to be changed." He says quickly, standing up and holding a hand down for her. Rolling her eyes, she lets him pull her up. He locks their hands and walks to his car as fast as he can. Opening the door for her, he urges her to get in fast.

Sighing, she nods and he starts driving. Her fingers curl at her sides inside his car. The same car where they had been caught together. She remembered how happy they had been that night. She had been distracted and she loved it.
"I should have brought the other car. I'm sorry." He says softly, focusing on the streets of Seattle.

"It's okay. I'm fine." She says as he pulls into her driveway. Before she can move, he has already gotten out and opened her door. She thanks him and walks up the stairs with him behind her. As he moves to knock the door opens to Mark.
"What are you doing here?" He spits out.
"I just got back from walking Lucky, our dog. What are you doing here?" Mark smiles sarcastically. Meredith rolls her eyes at both of them before pushing past them and into the kitchen.

"Meredith's dressings need to be changed. Did you know she was still bleeding from the surgeries?" Derek asks.
"Meredith didn't even tell me that she had surgery." He groans.
"Oh, I guess she just- doesn't trust you," Derek smirks and walks into the house behind her after kicking off his shoes. Mark walks behind both of them to the master bathroom.

They both watch in awe as she unbuttons her blouse and tosses it aside. Her bra is lacy, white, and elegant making their mouths drool. Derek walks towards her and grabs her waist, unhooking the dressing from itself. Mark watches his fingers move on her torso. She leans back against the marble counter and winces softly as Derek unwraps the dressing.
"Careful." He says urgently.
"I am being careful." Derek seethes.
Taking a damp cloth, he wipes it down her stitches. Wrapping a new dressing around her, he pulls her close and clicks it, leaning into her.
"Thank you." She sighs.
"Your welcome." He responds, a smile spreading across his face.

"Okay." She pushes herself away from Derek and into the bedroom.
"Okay?" They both ask.
"I need to speak to you both." She nods.
"Okay." They sigh.
"I love both of you but I hate both of you." She admits.
They open their mouths to speak but she shakes her head.

"I'm so frustrated by both of you. Derek lied to me about his wife! Mark left me for months without so much as a call or a text! And- if that wasn't enough, you both are begging my forgiveness." She snaps defensively at both of them while covering their mouths.

They nod and she sighs before letting them speak. Neither of them utters a word as she crosses her arms and waits.
"Derek has a wife and a baby on the way." Mark points out.
"Mark has a job in New York- across the country," Derek says.
"And there you both go- pointing out flaws in each other." She shakes her head.

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