Chapter 11: Advance

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New York

"Are you almost done?" He asks, sucking in air through the gaps in his teeth. The man laughs and continues running the laser over his tanned skin. There is a slight glow of red, erasing the tattoo and leaving his skin whiter than before.
"Almost. The word is gone." He says, letting the pen rest while patting down Mark's skin.
"Leave it then. The heart is fine." Mark shivers, getting up and putting on his shirt and putting a hundred dollar bill in his hand.
"Okay... wait- where are you going?!" He asks.
Mark turns and smiles wide.


"Dr. Shepherd?!" She yells out from her bed making Addison roll her eyes in frustration. Derek had always spoken about Meredith and her problems instead of paying any attention to his own wife.
"You bellowed Dr. Grey?" She asks, leaning on the doorframe.
"Did you know Mark has a tattoo of you?" She questions, crunching on her ice chips.
"What?" Addison asks, her back straightening at his name.
"He tries to hide it from me but he can't. I just thought you should know." She mumbles.

Addison nods and leaves the room to be met by Derek.
"Hey." He smiles, kissing her cheek and then the bump on her stomach. Addison smiles wide and he chuckles as Bailey walks behind him, wheeling a gurney.
"I have surgery right now so I'll meet you at the trailer." She smiles. He nods and watches her walk away before directing his attention to Meredith.

"I'll meet you in the OR Dr. Bailey." He nods.
"You will be in the OR?" She questions.
"Yeah." He says wistfully, gazing at Meredith in the bed as she chomps her ice chips. Bailey's eyes glance between the both of them and she rolls her eyes before walking away. He wheels the gurney in the room and smiles at Meredith. Stepping to the bed, he gently rubs her stomach. She giggles making him blush.
"Abdominal wall is tender and your complexion is flushed, Dr. Grey." He says, brushing the hair behind her ear and watching her bite her lip.
"Will you be in the OR?" She asks.
He smirks and nods slowly, sliding his arms underneath her before lifting her with ease.
"Are you going to stay there the whole time?" She asks, gripping his neck while he chuckles lightly.
"Yes." He places her on the gurney and pulls the sheet over her.

As they wheel to the OR, she starts laughing.
"What is it?" He stops and feels her forehead but she pointed to the nurse's counter.
"I met Mark there." She giggles.
He groans exasperatedly and ignores her as she talks about Mark, thinking one thing- and one thing only; how much he wanted her.
"We are in the OR. He states calmly, as the rush of the air conditioning hits him.
"It's cold without the scrubs! I'm naked underneath this!"
He snorts lightly as pulls another cover over her legs. Carefully, he holds the cloth over her chest so that she can take off her hospital gown. Handing it to him, she nods and he puts it in the medical wastebasket.
"You aren't wearing your ferryboat scrub cap." She frowns.
"I wore this one to our first surgery together." He says taking it off and pulls a bench next to the OR table. He lifts her on it, making sure to not let anyone see any part of her beautiful body.
"It's time." Bailey smiles.
"Close the gallery." She nods nervously and he takes the place of the anesthesiologist before pushing in anesthesia.
"I'll see you after surgery McDreamy." She mumbles weakly.
"Yes, you will." He nods, kissing her forehead before she closes her eyes, the green vanishing rapidly from his view.

He caresses her cheek and smiles gently before glancing up to Bailey who shakes her head condescendingly.
"Just do your job, Dr. Bailey. Save the disapproving mother stare for later." He snaps, unkindly at her.
She rolls her eyes and calls for a scalpel before cutting into her with ease.

He holds his breath as her blood trickles from her stomach. His hand moves to his mouth to stop from gagging.
"Dr. Shepherd, I would expect a surgeon not to have a problem with blood." Bailey spits out quite rudely.
"I don't." He defends, focusing on her face and feeling strands of her silky, golden hair that fills his lungs with a flowery scent. He pulls his mask up higher, hating the smell of her burins skin.
"Dr. Shepherd. They need you in the chief's office." A nurse calls a few minutes later as he rests his lips on her forehead.
"Can't it wait a few hours?" He asks.
"No, they need you now."
He gets up from his spot and finds her hand by her side, rubbing it gently and squeezing it once before resting it by her again.
"I love you." He mouths silently as he walks out of the room, clenching his fists and walking towards Richard's office. As he moves, he is met by a silent hallway, and all of the ORs are empty.
Curiously, he climbs up the stairs to the main floor and is greeted by a million people.

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