Chapter 19: One Year Later

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1 year later

"I have to go back to New York." He sighs heavily, taking a bite of the delicious streak in front of him.
"I thought your work was done." She replies while sipping her white wine.
"I have another month of work." He explains.
"Then you're done?" She asks.
"I'm free." He smiles as he puts his fork down.
"Okay. When do you leave?" She asks.
"In the morning." He says softly as they stand up and walk to his balcony. Wrapping his arms around her, he kisses her cheek.

"I have something for you." He says.
"What is it?" She asks.
"Desert." His light up and hers dim.
"I can't. You cooked a delicious meal and my stomach is literally going to explode." She laughs.
"Okay okay. Fine. Just look at it then." He pleads as he pulls her into the kitchen.
"What is so important about the desert?" She asks.
"Just trust me." He claims as he points to the island.
She sits on the barstool and smiles wide as he opens the oven and pulls out a pie that smells amazing.
"Oh, my- that smells so good." She moans as he places it in front of her and blows the fumes to her.
"Take a bite." He says, handing her a fork.
"I can't!" She exclaims.

"Okay. Fine. I get it. You're full." He says as he turns back and closes it before walking around the island and sits next to her. She looks so beautiful with her hair flowing down her shoulders. Shaking his head, his right hand to her cheek, and leans in. She presses her lips to his and he pulls away slowly, filled with happiness. "Don't feed yourself, feed me instead."

"I can't believe you baked this. It's incredible and it smells delicious." She laughs, poking at it with a fork.
"It's so beautiful, your afraid to touch it but I have a surprise for you." He says softly, pulling his stool to hers.

Nodding, she pecks his lips and sticks the fork in, pulling out a small bite of pie. He cups her hand underneath the fork and gently places it in his mouth. She laughs and watches him smile. His eyes flick to the pie and he stares at the ring inside. She moves to glance at the pie but he pulls her face to his, brushing his nose gently against hers.

"Take one bite. I promise. One bite could change your life. I promise." He whispers against his cheek.

"One bite." She nods.
"Close your eyes." He says gently.
She covers his eyes, opening her mouth. Nervously, he places a bite in her mouth and takes the ring before quickly wipes it.
"It's amazing." She says.
"I'm kissing you now." He says before pushing his lips into hers.

His tongue slides into her mouth, feeling no hesitation. Her tongue pushes back and she sucks hard. Putting the fork down, he brings her arms around his neck. She moans softly as he tangles his fingers in her hair and gently bites her lip. She pulls away and opens her eyes, giggling.

"You love me, right?" He asks.
"Forever." She nods.
"Good, because I love you too." He chuckles nervously.
"What's going on?" She asks.
"Last time I went to New York, we got into a fight. I don't want that to happen again." He says, opening his fist and holding the ring out.
"Is this..." She starts.
"This is me, promising to love you every day. I understand that it's early to propose and I'm not. It's a promise ring." He breathes.

"Yes, yeah. I love you so much." She laughs.
"Yeah?" He smiles.
"Yes." She nods, pulling him into a kiss.
"I love you." He says, muffled in her lips as he pulls her hand and slides the ring on her finger.

Running his arms around her waist, he picks her up and she squeals zealously while she grips his hair. Holding her carefully to the wall, he plunges his tongue into her mouth. She holds his neck and pushes them into the bed. He chortles and pulls away from the kiss before taking off his shirt and tossing it across the room.

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