Chapter 7: Therapy

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AN: mature warning & fillet chapter

"Let's see who's at the door." She laughs, opening the it.
"Meredith! Hey." Derek laughs nervously.
"Derek! It's pouring! What are you doing here?" She asks, pulling him in as he retracts his umbrella.
"I wanted to thank you... and Mark to be honest. Can I hold him? " He asks loudly over the barking puppy.

"Yeah. Sure, here." She says as she tries to give the puppy to him.
The puppy grips her shoulders tightly and barks against before whimpering, not wanting to leave Meredith.
"Come on, Derek's not gonna hurt you." She says as Derek steps closer to her and kisses the puppy's forehead.
"That's alright." He says after realizing that the puppy wants Meredith and not him.

"I wouldn't want to leave her arms either." He mumbles under his breath as she walks into the living room.
"Huh?" She asks as she sits on the now-clean couch.
He follows her as she sets the puppy down. It rolls over and she nods for Derek to sit on the couch while rubbing its stomach. He sits carefully and the puppy jumps on his lap enjoying his presence and his belly rubs.

"Nothing... uhm, I'm sorry for being... you know- weird; when you were holding me back. I was- uhm. I lost it and took it out on you. I really appreciate you not being angry with me." He says.
"Of course, it's natural you were worried. I did get a little scared but it's second nature to care about people and things you love." She smiles as the puppy crawls up his arms and rests on his shoulder.

"Hey, girl. You're so beautiful." He says, muffled in the dogs fur.
"We found it on the street and it was so dirty. Wait... how do you know it's a girl?" She asks.
"Wow, she must be lucky if you saw her through the rain, in the dark. Also, I wanted to be a vet earlier so I took classes." He says nonchalantly as the puppy licks his face.
"Huh, Lucky." She scoffs and nods as the puppy's ears perk up and her head turns to Meredith.

"So, is Mark around?" Derek asks as the puppy jumps into Meredith's lap and then to the floor.
"Yeah, he might be asleep though," Meredith says as the puppy tugs Derek's pants with its teeth.
Meredith nods and he gets up, picking up the puppy and letting it lick his face. Derek smiles wide and the puppy barks.
"I'll see him tomorrow okay," Derek says gently.
"Sounds amazing," Meredith says, putting her hands on his arm.
Derek looks back and their bodies press as he hands the puppy back to Meredith.

"How is Addison?" Meredith asks, looking up to Derek.
"She's resting, we had this fight and I keep replaying it. I'm giving her a little bit if time." He says, letting his hand scratch the puppy's ears near Meredith's.
Her head moves up and she stares at him with bewilderment.
"What?" He asks.
His lips are pressing against the puppy's head as he takes in the scent of her golden hair.

"We're friends right?" She asks, putting the puppy on the couch and turning to him.
She puts her hands on his arms and he cocks his head to the side.
"I mean- sure... friends. Just- uhnm friends." Derek nods.
"You are so stupid." She hits his chest and he winces.
"What?!" He asks as she pulls him into a kitchen.
"Sit down." She demands.
He nods as she makes him take a coffee.

"You want to talk to me about me and Addison?" He asks.
"Yes. We are going to talk because I'm not letting you ruin it." She says sitting opposite him and sipping her coffee carefully.
He stares at her in awe and she nods, encouraging him to talk.
"Uhm- well... She asked me to say something that I couldn't." Derek says, vaugily.

"Seriously, tell me what's wrong and I'll tell you how to fix it." She says, leaning over the counter and pushing a lock of thick, ebony back into his head. He smiles gently and nods.
"She asked me to tell her that I love her.... and I couldn't." His whole demeanor changes and she nods.

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