Logan's new life

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I know I put this story on hold, but thanks to me trying to be dynamo I ended up getting sick so here we go 

"Logan, you look awful" Kendall says when he saw Logan lying in bed and he was very think and he had a beard, and his hair was exceptionally long

"What's the point Kenny, I will find no one that will love me" Logan says as he was trying to sit up on his own cause he was going to get some water and that was all he ever drank and ate

"Logan that is not true the kids love you, I love you, the guys love you, your parents love you, your sister loves you, and the actors who we had on set still love you" Kendall says as he was going to get Logan checked out cause he was really worried about Logan

Logan looked at his kids that were standing in the doorway and he saw the tears that they had in their eyes cause they were really worried for him cause they did not want to lose him either cause of this

"Kendall you are right the love the kids and the babies have for me is unreal and you can't put a price on that" Logan says as he was looking at the kids that came in the room and they were going to hug him

Kendall was going to take Logan to the hospital just to be safe cause he was thinner then beer

"Uncle James is going to come over and watch you kids while I take daddy to the hospital" Kendall says as he was calling James

The kids loved Uncle James, and they were hoping daddy was going to be okay

(Days later)

Logan was released to come home and the day he came home he was going to add to the family once more cause this was going to help him heal from losing Erin and Carlos invited him on a cruise once the cruise ships got the green light to sail again and he was excited to cruise with the kids

"I can't believe you adopted a dog" Carlos tells him

"I can't believe it either I think it will help me heal" Logan says as he brought the dog in so the kids could see it and the dog gets used to its surroundings

"I also can't believe you are adopting again" Carlos tells him

"I know I can't believe it either I have a ton of love to go around and once this one is stronger, she and he will come home to join the bunch" Logan says cause he adoption two babies that were going to be put to death cause they survived an abortion and Logan stopped it, and he was going to take them in

Logan was going to do the nursery for the twins cause they will be coming home in the coming days as well

"Those babies will be loved by you even if their mother didn't love them" Carlos tells him

"I know they will" Logan says as he was thinking of names for the babies cause the hospital gave him some time to think of names

Logan was going to work on the nursery for the babies and still be with the other kids as well cause he was going to focus on being the best dad that he could be to those kids cause they needed him the most and the guys were going to be there for him cause they could see that they needed him more than ever right now 

"Logan will you ever date?" Carlos asks him as they were doing the nursery

"I don't think so after this experience, but if i get a second chance I'll give it a go" Logan says as he was thinking of Kiki and Julian right now 

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