After the surgery

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(Early the next morning)

"Mr & Mrs Henderson" the nurse says as she comes into the waiting room to wake Logan and Erin up from their slumber

"Yes?" Logan asks as he looks up at the nurse that came into the waiting room

"Sicily's surgery is done and you guys can take her to recovery if you like" the nurse says as she looks at Logan

"Thank you" he says as he sits up cause Sicily was out of surgery and he had to get Erin up so they could take Sicily down to recovery and be with her while she was recovering from her surgery

The nurse leaves with a smile on her face

"Erin, Erin wake up" Logan says as he shakes her awake cause he knew that Erin wanted to be with Sicily when she was out of surgery

"What is it Logan? It's two in the morning" she asks as she wakes up cause it sounded important and she needed to get up

"Sicily is out of surgery and we can take her to recovery, and be with her for the rest of the night and I think you might want to be with her" he says as he puts his slippers on cause this was an exciting time for the two of them that they were going to see Sicily again and take her to recovery

"How was the surgery?" Erin asks as she is fully awake now cause she was going to see her little girl again and take her to recovery

"I don't know as far as i know it went well and we can go and take her to recovery" he says as he puts his robe on so they could head to see Sicily and be with her while she is going down to recovery cause they couldn't wait to see her again

"That's good now we wait for her to come out of it and she will recover before we bring her home" Erin says as she follows Logan to the surgery area where Sicily was

"Yeah I can't wait to see her and hold her in my arms again cause I miss that" Logan says as they continue to head for surgery

"At least she won't be sick anymore, and she will be a healthy little girl" Erin says as she keeps up with Logan as they head to the surgery area to see Sicily again cause Logan wanted to see his little girl again

"That we have to wait cause they took her tumor for testing to see if it is cancer or benign then we will go from there with the tumor" he says as they continue to head for the surgery area to see Sicily and see what she looks like

"Oh yeah i hope it is benign for her sake cause she is too young to be going through treatment" Erin says as they enter the surgery area after they had walked really fast to see her

"Me too I hate to see her in a lot of pain" he says as he gets the scrubs on cause they had to go in with gear on cause Sicily was uncovered and had nothing on besides a diaper and her wound was covered and protected

Once Erin and Logan were covered they headed in to see Sicily, so they could take her to recovery where she will be until she wakes up from her surgery and then she will be moved to a regular room

"Sicily you look so much better sweet girl" Erin says when she sees the little girl on the operating table

"Yeah come here cutie pie" he says as he scoops her up gently to hold her in his arms once more cause he missed holding her

"Okay we are going to take her to recovery now and you guys are more then welcome to stay with her if you like" the nurse says as she looks at the couple that was happy to be with their daughter again

"Oh we are staying with her at least for tonight anyway" Erin says as she leaves to get what her and Logan had in the waiting room cause they were going to be with Sicily and not going to leave her side until she woke up from the sleepy medicine

"That's the mother bear coming out of her" he says as he laughs cause he knew Erin wanted to stay with Sicily while she was recovering

"Okay right out these doors, and down the hallway and hang a left" the nurse says as her and other nurses grab the monitors and the I'V that Sicily was on

"Come on sweetie let's head down to your room cause mommy and daddy staying with you" he says as he looks down at Sicily as they head to her recovery room

"It's best we put her on a hospital crib and you can wheel her down that way" the one nurse says to Logan

Logan nods cause that was going to better for Sicily so the nurses left to get the bed that Sicily was going to be in while she was recovering from this surgery

"You are going to be on a bed sweetie and daddy going to take you to your room" Logan says as he looks down at Sicily who was still sleeping in his arms

Sicily's heart monitor picked up a little bit

"She must be happy to be with daddy" the one nurse says as they wait for the bed to come so Sicily could go to her room and get settled in

"She always is and always will be she is a happy girl" he says as he looks down at Sicily who looked peaceful in his arms

The nurses smile cause that was a happy parent and was glad that their little one was okay and was going to pull through a okay

"How was the surgery?" he asks the nurses

"It went well she was a trooper" the one nurse says to him as the bed was brought for Sicily  

"That's good" he says as the nurses with the bed come closer

Logan places Sicily on the bed gently and covers her up

"Okay sweetie we are going to see mommy" he says as he starts to move the bed to the recovery rooms

"She is going to be in the PICU for now and when she is much better she will be moved to a regular room" the one nurse says as they were heading to her room

"Okay at least we can see her and once she is moved to a different room her many siblings can see her" he says as they continued to head for the room that Sicily was going to be in while she was recovering from her surgery

Logan talked to her as they were heading to her room

"Sicily you look so pretty" he says as he strokes her hair in the elevator as they were heading to the PICU where she was going to be at

The heart monitor continues to beep for Sicily since she was still asleep

V & C

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