The rest see Sicily

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(Operating room)

"Paris it's okay daddy is here baby girl, and he is staying here the whole time" Logan says as he holds the little girl in his arms to soothe her cries as she was crying up a storm before the operation started

Logan kissed her on her forehead as he was going to lay down with her for a while 

"Okay Paris we are going to have you sleep now sweetie" the nurse says to her as she gave Paris the same medicine that Marina had when she was going to have her surgery

"You won't feel a thing and daddy will be here the whole time holding you in his arms" Logan says as he looks at Paris cause she looked at daddy for comfort

Paris was okay with it as the nurse gave her the medicine

"Hopefully this is the last surgery for a while with the kids" Logan says as he held little Paris close to him as she was getting ready to go under for her surgery so she can feel better as well and they can see the baby once all of the kids were all fixed up and everything

Logan loved Paris more then the others cause she was very clingy and she wanted daddy, and that was okay in his book if she wanted daddy when she was really scared and her comfort object was not cutting it at all

"Okay Paris we are going to get started okay?" the doctor asks the little girl that was fast asleep on daddy right now

"That's fine just get her better is all" Logan says as he was holding Paris in his arms as the operation was going forward right now 

The doctor smiled and started the surgery to get Paris better  

(Much later)

"Dad would you like to go up with her to recovery?" the nurse asks Logan when Paris woke up once the operation was over and she was looking at daddy  

"Yeah I would love to go up with her to help get her settled in" he says as he looks down at the little girl that was looking up at daddy with her pretty eyes right now that were shining like the stars that were in the sky 

Logan was careful as he was moved over to the other bed that was going to be used to transport Paris upstairs to where her sister was right now as well as her baby sister 

"Can she see her baby sister for a little bit before she heads to her room?' Logan asks as they were heading up to recovery cause Sicily was close by so why not make a stop there, so she could see Sicily and see how she is doing and all that 

"Sure I can't see why not since she is a big sister" the nurse says as they were heading to the elevators where Kendall was with the rest of the little kids who had a cast on or their little wrap on from their injuries 

Logan was able to spot little Kaleigh in her wheelchair an it looked like that she had been crying as well, and daddy was not with her either

  "Kaleigh it's okay sugar daddy is not mad at all" Logan says to her when he sees her in her little wheelchair that was the perfect size for her 

"She wants you Logan" Kendall says to Logan cause Kaleigh wanted daddy to hold her as well since he was holding Paris

"I'll hold you later okay when we get Paris all settled in" Logan says to the little girl that was in her wheelchair 

"Paris looks a lot better" Kendall says as the group was going to board the elevator with her to go up so they could see Sicily and Mariana as well cause they wanted to be with Paris when she got settled in her hospital room   

"She is still a little sleepy right now but it will wear off soon" Logan says as he looks down at Paris who was snuggled on daddy right now as they were heading up to see baby sister and how she was doing

(Sicily's floor)

"Guys look there's daddy and all of your brothers and sisters" Erin says to the ones that were crying out for daddy cause daddy didn't come up yet to be with them

"Little one's it's okay I was with Mariana and Paris cause they had to have an operation" he says as the nurses got off the elevator with the bed that all the ones that had their cast or their wrap on cause they wanted to be with Paris as well as she was going upstairs 

"Plus it looks like one of the little ones have to be in a wheelchair for a while" Erin says as she looks at Kaleigh

"Yeah she wants me to hold her but I can't cause Paris wants me to hold her as well" Logan says as they were going down to see Sicily 

"All of the little ones want daddy" Erin says to him

"Yeah they do don't they" he says with a chuckle as they approach the room where Sicily was 

"Okay little ones we have to be careful with Sicily for right now" Erin says as the whole group heads in to where Sicily was

The little ones nod as they head into sissy's room to be with her 

"Sicily look who came to see you" Erin says as she leads the group into the room so they could see the baby that was in her crib right now

Sicily was smiling up a storm when she saw her brothers and her sisters come into the room to see her

"Someone is happy to see everyone" Logan says as he comes over with Paris who wanted to hold sissy but she couldn't yet cause of her stitches 

"Yeah she is and the ones who have a cast or a wrap on their arm you guys can go first so you guys can be with sissy" Erin says to the ones who had owies 

The ones that had a cast or a wrap went first and got to be with sissy for a little bit which Sicily loved cause she loved all of her older siblings a lot especially her sisters, but her one brother who had a wrap on his arm was being extra gentle with her and that touched Logan's and Erin's cause he was going t be a great dad later on in life

V & C

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