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Well thanks to my work not allowing overtime I got to come home early so you guys get a new chapter

"I am going to be right here sweetie" he tells her as he had to wait outside the MRI room

Logan talked to her to calm her down as she had the pictures taken and he was glad when it was over

(Much later)

Logan held her as she was sleeping cause she had some pain medicine in her to help her feel better and not to be in so much pain either cause the pain medicine was welcome right now, so he was hoping that they were going to get out soon

"Well I am going to have her be in a cast until she sees an orthopedic doctor later on in the week cause I am going to have the doctor read the MRI results to double check the results cause she is facing surgery right now" the doctor tells Logan cause he was trying to compare the x-rays and he was trying to see the MRI results and they were going to levitate to the same verdict and that was surgery in the long run cause she really did damage something in her arm when she fell

Logan understand that and he was going to call the doctor the next day to set up an appointment for her so she could see the doctor as well and he was going to look at the injury further as well then he was going to go from there as well for the next step in her care as well and he knew there might be chance she was going to be having surgery as well and he was scared about that as well cause she was the bravest one of the bunch and it has not been easy on her either but she will overcome this full force and she will continue to get stronger from this accident that has happened to her and she has learned her lesson as well not to try to be a daredevil either and try to be a big kid as well and try to do what the big kids are doing even though she is not a little girl anymore and she is not quite a big girl either, so he knew she was at a hard place right now and that was not going to be easy on him either so he had to make it right with her either way and he had to let her have certain privileges as well cause she needed to be treated like one of the older kids as well and he was going to do that with her as well

"I think some ice cream is in the cards for you sweetheart" he says as he was going to take her out of the hospital and to the car as well cause she needed a treat after this horrible day as well and he was going to talk it over with her too cause she has to learn to not be a speed demon when out there with her siblings and she has to take it slow

Logan buckles her in and heads to see if any of the ice cream shops were opened

(Four days later)

Logan got her in to see an orthopedic doctor up at one of the children's hospital's cause they were the ones got everything from the local hospital the night of the accident, so he had to make sure Kendall, James or Carlos was going to be at the house when the others come home from school cause he had a sitter coming to watch the younger ones while he was at the doctor's with her and getting her taken care of as well cause her needs had to come first as well and seeing if she was going to be facing surgery as well for her injury that she has and he was hoping that she was not going to have surgery at all cause he was going have to stay with her as she stood in the hospital overnight for observation as well too

"Okay I got all of her medical cards and I got the directions to the doctor's office on my GPS in the car" he says as he was checking over everything before him and the little girl left of course cause they had a little bit of a drive ahead of them as well to get to where the office was located at, and he hated to miss his turns as weel as he headed there

Logan gets the little girl, and they left the house to get on the road to head to the doctor's office to see about her arm, and what the game plan was going to be for her recovery as well cause she might be facing surgery in the long run, or she might have to be in a cast as well until it heals it was going to be up to the doctor to determine her plan of healing and what will be the best bet for her as well and she will have to go back for a follow up in time as well to see how it was healing as well cause it could be getting better or getting worse and Logan was hoping that it was going to be getting better instead of getting worse cause if it got worse that meant the doctor was going to go a different route to make her feel better and get back on track as well cause he has never has had a patient have a setback either they got better after one visit


Logan pulled into a parking spot, and he got the little girl out of the car and they headed in for her appointment and see what is going to be the plan to get her better and fully healed cause he knew if she was going to be able to use her one arm for quite sometime and her siblings were going to need to help her in anyway possible as well as she was on the road to recovery cause her road to recovery was going to be one long road and she won't be able to be like her siblings she won't be able to play with them she was going to need help eating as well and when it came to bath time Logan was going to need to give her a bath and help her get ready for bed and wash her hair as well and tuck her in when it came to bed and he was going to have to be close to her as well for the first few days after her surgery  if she ends  up going under to fix her arm cause her MRI was showing that she was going to be going under

"Okay sweetie we are here daddy going to get your carriage out so you can go in in style" he says as he was going to get the wagon out of the trunk of the car before he gets her out of the car to take her into the doctors for her appointment with the orthopedic doctor to see what the plan of care was going to be for her as well to fix her arm cause she was looking at a cast or maybe surgery if it was broke enough as well and he was hoping the doctor was not going to say surgery right out of the gate with her cause that was not going to be good at all cause she might have to stay overnight in case there were complications during the surgery as well and he was hoping that the cast might fix it before they do surgery on her tiny body as well

Once the wagon was set up he got her out of the car and he got her in the wagon so she was quite comfortable as well too since she had to keep her arm elevated as well as they headed into their appointment that day and see what was going to happen as well to her

"Off we go to your appointment princess" he says as he takes her into the building while she was sitting in the wagon comfortably right now

Logan was looking at the paper to see where he needed to go and was checking the directions as well cause he had to make sure he was going the right way to the office cause he was not getting lost at all in this place cause it was huge

"Kepp calm sweetie daddy knows where he is going cause he has the directions right here cause we have to get on two different elevators and go through long hallways to get to the office that we need to be at


"I believe we have found it let's go in and get checked in" he says as he takes her into the office and get her all checked in as well hopefully

Logan sees that they are at the wrong office so he was going to find the right office and he was going to have that office call the right office and let them know they were coming they were just lost right now, but someone was going to walk them to the office where they needed to be at and hopefully they did not miss their appointment time at all either, and sadly they were going to totally miss it


Logan and the little girl just missed their appointment by five minutes and the worker from the other office explained what had happened and the receptionist did not buy it at all so they had to reschedule and that was not going to be fun at all either cause Logan was going have to drive back to the doctors, and the one worker was going to take them to their office since they specialize in pediatric orthopedic surgeries as well too

More will come hopefully in time when I'm off again

Part 2 next time like my day off next I'm thinking cause next week I am doing price changes cause the boss is on vacation and the assistant team lead doesn't want to do them quite yet so I get to them I might wait a while cause the views are still not the best at all and I'm close to 2000 words with this chapter and I want to save some action for later on in the book when the new chapter goes up hopefully when I'm off once again or maybe my last vacation depending on the schedule

Fun with the Henderson kids wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now