Bonding with Sicily

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"How was the surgery?" he asks the nurses

"It went well she was a trooper" the one nurse says to him as the bed was brought for Sicily

"That's good" he says as the nurses with the bed come closer

Logan places Sicily on the bed gently and covers her up

"Okay sweetie we are going to see mommy" he says as he starts to move the bed to the recovery rooms

"She is going to be in the PICU for now and when she is much better she will be moved to a regular room" the one nurse says as they were heading to her room

"Okay at least we can see her and once she is moved to a different room her many siblings can see her" he says as they continued to head for the room that Sicily was going to be in while she was recovering from her surgery

Logan talked to her as they were heading to her room

"Sicily you look so pretty" he says as he strokes her hair in the elevator as they were heading to the PICU where she was going to be at

The heart monitor continues to beep for Sicily since she was still asleep as they were heading for her room 

"Oh I love you too sweet girl" he says as he walks with her to her room where she was going to be until she woke up 

Logan couldn't believe how pretty she was and she was his little girl forever and ever

"Now to get you better sweet girl so you can come home" he says as they board the elevator to go up to her room 

As they were heading up to her room she started to wake up 

"We didn't give her much anesthesia, so she should of been waking up sooner or later" the nurse says in the elevator 

"You look better" he says as he strokes her hair as they were heading for her room to get her settled in for her stay in the hospital  

She blinks her eyes at daddy as he was looking at her

"Those are the pretty eyes i miss seeing" he says as he kisses her nose as he looks at her  

The nurses let Logan pick her up and hold her in his arms once again 

"Daddy got you sweet girl" he says as he looks at her as they were getting ready to exit the elevator to head to her room to see mommy who was waiting for her 

Sicily yawns as she was being held by daddy in his arms 

"Oh sleepy" he says as they exit the elevator to go to her room where Erin was waiting for her to come cause Erin couldn't wait to see Sicily again 

Logan rocked her as they were walking to her room 

"Sicily mommy would want to hold you when we come into the room and daddy will let her hold you cause she has missed you an awful lot" he says as he continues to talk to her as they were heading for her room

Sicily reached out for daddy

"Daddy is right here sugar and he isn't going anywhere anytime soon either" he says as he let's her squeeze his finger that he gave to her so she had some comfort as they were heading for her room 

"Hi Sicily" Erin says when she sees Logan and the baby come into the room 

"Look Sicily there's mommy" he says as they enter her room behind the nurses that had her crib 

"Logan can i have her?" Erin asks him 

"Sure you can here we go baby doll" he says as he hands the baby over to Erin to hold for the first time since her surgery is over 

Erin was gentle as she held Sicily 

"Oh my gosh hi little one" Erin says as she looks at the baby that she held i her arms 

Sicily cooed up at her mommy as mommy held her 

"Your talking huh?" Erin asks as she walks around the room since the one nurse gave Logan, Sicily's I.V 

"I think she is happy to see mommy and daddy again is all cause i think she has missed us" Logan says as he looks at the baby that was looking up at both her parents 

"I think so too" Erin says as she goes to the rocking chair to rock for a little bit to get the baby to sleep cause her schedule was going to be way off if she stood awake longer 

Logan sang her a lullaby and she was out like a light 

"Night sweetie" Erin says as she kisses the baby good night as Logan tucked her in her crib for the night 

Logan covered her up and kissed her good night 

"I could watch her forever and ever" Erin says as she looks at Logan 

"I know i could too cause she is so angelic as she sleeps either in our arms or in her crib" he says as he goes to the bed that Erin had made for the both of them cause they weren't going to leave Sicily for no money right now since she was out of surgery and both her parents wanted to stay close to their baby girl as she was recovering even though they should be home with the other little ones

"I agree there" Erin says as she joins Logan on the couch cause sleep was coming back to her  

"I feel like our family is complete and it can't get any better then this" he says as he looks into her eyes as they got comfortable in the bed 

"Yeah i think it is too once this one comes we are done with kids for a while" Erin says as she goes to sleep that night cause being pregnant with a lot of little ones running around isn't easy 

"Yes we will have our perfect family and nothing can change that at all" he says as he goes to sleep cause Sicily was probably going to be waking up through the night for feedings and changing 

"Nope" Erin says as she goes to sleep with the beeping of the monitors and Logan breathing softly next to her cause he was going to be in it for the long haul with her and be here with Sicily as she was recovering from her surgery 

(Next morning)

Logan and Erin were woke up by Sicily who wanted mommy or daddy to hold her close to them 

V & C

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