Telling the kids

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Erin had a decision she was going to make and she was going to make it while Logan was at the hospital with her cause she didn't like living like this anymore

"I should be home once we get her checked out" he says as he was going to follow behind the squad to the hospital

Erin was going to pack her bags and she was going to leave cause she felt like their romance went out the window and he didn't care for her anymore, and all they did was fight about every little thing

"Bye kids" Erin says as she looks at the kids who were still watching the movie, and having their snacks as well

Erin loaded everything up and headed out of their lives forever cause they don't deserve her as their mom they deserve a good mom that will love them till the end of time


Logan came home and he saw the kids were out back still watching movies, and some fell asleep back there as well and he was okay with that cause it was warm and no one could kidnap them and he was going to be out there with them

"It's okay sweetie pie wanna see the movie?" he asks her as he looks at her cause she had an ordeal at the hospital, and she did not like that one bit at all

She nods as she looks at him

"Okay come on then I can stay with you" he says as he was going to hold her as he was going to sit on the deck with her

Logan was seeing about the others and see if they were fast asleep

"I am going to get some blankets cause it is getting a little cool" he says as he was going to get the blankets for the other kids so they were warm and their pillows as well so they were comfy as they slept in the yard

He saw Erin wasn't there anymore and he saw a note

"Oh no she left she is probably some place" he says as he was going to call her to see if she would come back cause he did not want to leave her go that easy at all cause he wanted to marry her and have that family he had dreamt of and that was out of reach right now and it was not going to happen either cause there was a chance she would not want to speak to him, and he didn't know where she went or what airport she was at either, so he had to let her go  

Logan was going to tell the kids in the morning cause it was going to be easier and they could figure out a game plan for what they were going to do and how they were going to get through this cause Logan wasn't going to give the kids up so she could come back those kids were his world and they have made him a better man as well 


Logan was the first up of course cause he made a big breakfast for the kids cause he was going to break the news to them gently 

"Morning kids" he says as he was setting everything up for the breakfast buffet that was going to happen 

"Morning" all of the kids say in unison as they entered the kitchen that morning for breakfast 

"Eat up cause i have something to tell you" he says as he was going to get breakfast for the babies and get them fed as well before he tells them the news

"Is it another baby?" one of the girls asks him as she was getting breakfast 

"No it is not that, but i will tell you if i add another baby to the mix and i will explain about the little girl after breakfast as well" he says as he was feeding the babies 

Logan was practicing what he was going to say in front of the babies as he was feeding them their breakfast that morning cause after breakfast and the kids help clean up he was going to break the news to them what happened to Erin and how they are going to cope with this in the long run cause this is going to be a blow to the kids that they won't have a mom anymore and they will just have a dad and their Uncles and their awesome Aunt Alexa and their friend Ocean as well

(Much later)

All of the kids were in the theatre part of the house waiting on Logan to tell them the news of what happened to Erin 

"Okay kids there is no easy way to say this Erin left last night there is nothing i can do right now i tried calling her and texting her ans she isn't responding to nothing right now" he says as he was explaining what had happened to Erin and what is going to happen to them cause he was going to keep the kids no matter what and he was going to see if all of the guys wanna get a cul de sac and build some place that way the kids were close to their Uncles for sure especially their aunt Alexa who was expecting once again    

Part 2 will come 

Fun with the Henderson kids wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now