Ear infections

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"Your ear must really hurt buddy" Logan says as he rocks AIdan in his arms as they were heading to the hospital to see Sicily

Aidan nods as he continues to cry cause he ear was really bugging him and he was in a lot of pain right now, and daddy was his comfort

"Daddy going to get you and your sister checked out to see how bad your ear is" Logan says to Aidan as they continued to head for the hospital to see Sicily and get Aidan and the little girl checked out

Aidan got comfy as daddy held him in his arms as they headed for the hospital to see baby sister again

"It's okay Aidan daddy is right here" Logan says as he looks down at the little boy that he had in his arms

Logan couldn't believe that he was all of these little one's daddy

"I got to get photos of all of the kid's" Logan says to Kendall as they continue to head for the hospital so they could see sissy and Logan can see what

"Yes you should Logan they are really cute" Kendall says to Logan as they continues to head for the hospital, so they could see Sicily again and maybe hold her gently in their arms

"Maybe after everyone is out of the hospital and feeling better we can get photos done" Logan says as he continues to hold Aidan in his arms

"Aidan looks smart with his glasses on" Kendall says as they pull into the emergency room

"I know he does and that what makes Aidan different from his siblings" Logan says as he gets out with the one's that were going to be looked at

Aidan loved daddy and his sister that wasn't feeling good either like he wasn't

"Kendall use the ring rope with them and they will stay with you" Logan says as he heads in with Aidan and the little girl that was very fussy cause her ear was bugging her

Kendall nods as he heads in with the kids so they could see baby sister and see how she was doing in her room

"Okay Aidan and Marina let's head in to see about your ears and how bad they hurt, and then we can see sissy" Logan says as he puts them down so they could walk into the emergency room so they could be checked out and everything 

Marina wanted to be carried by daddy

"Okay little one daddy can carry you he doesn't mind a bit" he says as he carries the little girl in his arms into the hospital, so he could see about her and her brother and how bad their ear infections were and when they were going to see sissy and mommy

Aidan walked with daddy into the hospital

"Go play while daddy gets you signed in and everything" he says to the little ones

Marina stayed close as well as her brother

"It's okay daddy will take care of you both" he says as he gets the kids registered

Marina and Aidan went through triage and they hated that part of the process they just wanted to feel better 

"Okay you two will be separate" he says as he takes one into one room and one went into the room that was next to the first room but they were going to open it up for them so they weren't missing their sibling that much 

Marina wanted daddy more then Aidan 

"You must be in a lot of pain princess" he says as he tells Erin that he is down in the emergency room with the little one's cause their ears are bugging them a lot

Aidan was going to sleep as Logan comfort him and held Marina in his arms 

"It's going to be okay you two daddy is here" he says as Kendall came down with the some of the one's who looked like they were crying 

"What happened?" Logan asks Kendall when he sees some of the little ones crying their eyes out

"We were going up the stairs so I can keep and eye on the little one's, and many of them fell" Kendall says to Logan as he brings in the one's that were on his rope cause Erin met him with the other rope, so she could continue taking them up to see Sicily 

"Oh no it looks like they need to be looked at i don't want to risk anything at all with these boys and girls" Logan says to him as he gets the others registered as well, so he could see what is going on with those kid's 

"Sorry Logan I wanted to keep them all together and I didn't want to risk anything on the elevator cause it could go shut when half of them were on board" Kendall says to Logan cause Kendall was going to stay with the little kid's cause there was a lot of them that needed to be checked out 

"That's okay and I see what you mean by taking the stairs and not the elevator" Logan says as Aidan and Marina got checked out for their ear infections 

"It looks like Aidan's ears have some pus inside of them, so he needs to be admitted so we can take care of him and get him better" the doctor says as he looks into Aidan ears and Aidan didn't like it at all  

Logan understood 

"Don't worry little guy daddy will be here for you and mommy will too" he says as he holds little Aidan Henderson in his arms 

'Marina ears are worst then Aidan's so she will have to have surgery to repair them" the doctor says to Logan after he had checked Marina's ears to see what was going on with her

"How bad are they?" Logan asks the doctor he was concerned for his little princess 

"Really bad bleeding from the ear drum, pus really inflamed" the doctor says as he looks into the little girl ears again just to make sure

Logan was scared for Marina 

"It will be okay princess the doctor is going to take good care of you" Logan says as he holds her too cause he was going to have three little one's in the hospital so far 

Marina was glad that daddy was going to be there for her 

"Sleep sweetie pie" he says as he strokes her hair as she started to go to sleep on his shoulder cause the doctor gave her some medicine

V & C

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