Next step

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"What's the next step dad?" one of the girls asked him cause she was curious to see what will happen next

"I don't know right now like I said I tried getting a hold of her many times and seeing if she wants to come back to us and she said no she up and left and she left for good she is not coming back ever to see you kids at all" he says to the kids

"Will you date again?" another one of the girls ask him cause she wanted some answers as well to see what was the next step in this whole process right now

"I probably not cause I got all of you kids and that is all i need right now and I am completely happy with all of you kids, and even the babies cause I would move mountains to get you kids back and I even will do it again in a heartbeat" he says as he was going to pick up one of the babies and hold her in his arms cause she wanted daddy to hold her again and he was glad to hold her

Logan dismissed the kids cause he was going to break the news to the guys now and let them now what was going on and what was going to be the next step after this cause Logan never had someone walk out of his life before

(Later in the afternoon)

Kendall, James and Carolos were at Logan's house and two had one of the little ones while Carlos had Ocean, but Ocean wanted to play with his friends so Carlos let him play with his friends for the moment cause Ocean loved being with them when he could and that was a special moment Carlos wanted him to have

"How you holding up buddy?" James asks as he came in the man cave where Logan was right now with one of the babies Sicily to be exact

"Like I have been hit by a freight train" Logan says as he was drowning his sorrows right now in alcohol

"Buddy it's going to get better I am here for you" Carlos tells him as he joins him on the couch right now

"So am I" Kendall says as he was going to hug Logan

"This single parenting thing going to be tough" Logan says as he was going to get one of the babies that woke up from it's slumber

"I can move in to help you Logan no problem there" James says to him

"I can too until you can get a system going with all of these rugrats" Kendall says

"Kendall they are not rugrats they are my kids" Logan says as he was heading for the nursery right now

Kendall bit his tongue right now as he was going to see what Logan needed done and James was going to help as well. Carlos was going to do the yard work cause he saw it needed it and he was going to help Logan out anyway he could right now

"Hey little one something wake you huh?" Logan asks as he picks the baby up that was not too happy right now

Logan decided to take her downstairs where he was with the guys right now

"It's okay sweetie" he says as he was walking with her to calm her down

"Logan the kids will need you to be strong for them" Kendall says as he was going to help clean up a little bit

"I know I will have to be and I don't know what the future holds for me and the kids" Logan says as he was going to play with the baby that woke up from her slumber and he was going to see if that tires her back out and maybe she might sleep on him

The baby did not want to play she wanted daddy to hold her

"It's okay pudding cup daddy has you" Logan says as he was rubbing her back to see if that calms her back down and back to sleep

(Weeks later)

The guys came over to helped Logan get rid of Erin's things, and help him move on cause they have been giving him some space to recover from this whole ordeal 

"Thanks guys for helping me with this" he says as they were going to do donation with Erin's things

"No problems and we have a u-haul to take it and you can focus on you and the kids" James says to him

"I want to focus on them and make music as well and just be the best parent I can be to these kids especially the girls as well cause they are going to need me in the long run right now

"Alexa is willing to help when they hit that age" Carlos says to him 

"Thanks I will need it for sure cause I am going to be clueless in that department" Logan says as they started to clear out Erin's half of the walk-in closet

(Much later)

"Okay now to donate anything else we can" Logan says cause they had a dumpster come for what they could not donate 

"Yup then we are taking you shopping for a new Logan Henderson" Kendall says to him

"Can I bring the kids and the babies?" Logan asks

"Nope we got baby-sitters lined up for you so we can help you through this" James says to him

Logan wanted to include the kids and the babies cause the babies were getting bigger and he was missing having babies, but he was going to get through this and he might end up fostering in the long run right now cause it will help him with that void 

"I am going to stay here with the kids and have movie night or something" he says as he was going to check on the kids and the babies cause they didn't play with their electronics much

The guys hurried up and canceled the sitters, but one was already there, so she had to get told to go home, and she did not like that at all 

"Well what is Plan B?" James asks cause they were clueless right now with that they want to do with Logan 

Part 2 will come 

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