it's the cartoon cat

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i was walking next to the woods it's mid summer so i'm wearing shorts and a blouse i have on skippies and  i'm looking at my phone.

My name is Julia woods I have a taste for danger and I like cartoons I always wanted to be one or meet one in real life and maybe become like a cool cartoon character with the super cool powers and stuff. But I'm only in high school so yea it'll be my first year this September 5th I would say that I was a popular kid but I fell back from that because it's not fun.. it's like a job and sense I am still pretty popular around school I'm not exactly the type of bullying material for kids to target I still have my mark and I'm still up on the popularity radar. I'm not exactly poor but it's not really so nice to flex off all the expensive things you have besides as a kid the expensive things you get aren't even exactly yours. Think about it.
Y $$$$✨✨✨✨
And all that money they spoil you every now and then new clothes when you get a great report card a trip every now and then a party maybe a weekend when they say yes. And a photo shoot when you get a opportunity for that occasion.
But the money isn't yours not even when they die and you or your siblings inherit what they have not a single penny marks a cent on your name. That's money they worked for, they earned that cash and now you come along into the world and they are so nice to raise you and teach you better from worse and be a Great example of kindness instead of hate they spend every day of their lives taking care and mending and molding you into a better person in this world then the other lowlifes trying to make it to the top by cheating and killing their way up just to stumble down almost crushing your parents hard work on you and your siblings when they made you they knew that your life was something special so they worked hardest then the rest to make sure you are happy and look to them to become a better person in the world. So tell me how you could sit here knowing they are now dead by a ruthless monster-like cat thing that ran off into the woods without a care. how can you accept your self a human being in society knowing you couldn't shed a tear for them. Was it because you knew that they are safer now with god or is it because of the state of shock your in?

Yes this is a Lemon eventually just hang in there with me

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