Shocking reality

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Would you have been able to stop the monster that took your parents from you? Your loving sweet parents who only wants the best for you? Now dead because some inconvenient murderous lowlife monster decided to take what was not there's and take from the world two innocent people in love with a family and take their lives! And all for what?! What did that mangy creature gain from taking their lives?
You think about all the things done to your parents and wish the creature had chosen a different family to destroy and tear apart with its bare hands.
And even though it was summer time and was daylight/ sunset / ( you choose ) it was suddenly cold as if a sudden thick sheet of ice and despair and depression suddenly drowned out the world to you and froze its self stuck to everything surrounding you and your unresponsive, unrecognizable dead parents. But yet no tears fell from your eyes and no words sweep the tip of your tongue ready to shoot out your war tank mouth ready to strike down anyone that dares to say anything about your parents or about how you act or how they want to help.

Nobody is able to help. They are forever resting in the heavens up above.

You seem to be angry but yet your face reads calm. Even though your siblings are alive one is in college and the other is immune to the molding and structuring your parents tried to leave of her. She is only 17 and is already been in rehab 4 times and dropped out of high school 2 times no education yet she has a job at the gas station but it doesn't pay to well the other two workers are like her and the place doesn't sell gas much because it's more of a all of a sudden we need gas and this is the only option we have left kind of gas station. But even though you try to love your mess of a sister... she is crazy. She has two boyfriends at the moment who both know about each other yet want a females attention so bad they get along just to use her. They are both 19 and 20 named drake and Antonio. Both high school failures and horrible people to society.
Even though you walk through the door to your nice house and you go to your bedroom you have no emotion as you put on your pjs and turn on the tv watching every small movement the show offers yet not exactly processing what your eyes are seeing at the same time.

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