Cartoonish Kidnapping

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Your brain is not processing what your eyes see on the tv screen so you eventually make something up in your head to calm you down and get you to sleep it works eventually and once your pretty eyes shut tight for the rest of the night you hear your tv say this " it's the cartoon cat". You like cartoons and cats but you don't think to much into it you listen to the voice in the screen some more once able to make out what it's saying " I know how it's all going to end it's just a rerun a rerun of my favorite episode it's a game of cat and mouse....ironically I'm the cat and what's more funny then the fact that your the mouse". I heard what seemed to be other known as Julius the cat say to a secondary character the mouse.  I've always loved cartoons I love the way they move act dance and do things regularly but with more style and carefree ways than if they where alive and able to die like us humans. Then they wouldn't be as interesting as they are. If the cartoons where normal they would be forever forgotten like a baby bird after being thrown from the nest by it's mother because it wasn't good enough or maybe because it was to sick to be taken care of by its own mother. But no cartoons are different subjects in life they are cartoon built like characters who have a show that they carry on their shoulders making money all day long just by staying relevant to society. Theses days people get busy and brush off their child hood memories not necessarily saying it's a bad or good thing considering the fact that you grow up even if you don't want to and begin a journey on your own or with a partner of your choice. And you start a family and raise your kids. Brushing off the childhood memories of your mother kissing you goodnight or bedtime stories you heard. The cookies you got after school the sweet smell of candy each birthday,  Easter,  Halloween and any other event where you had the enjoyable time of being a kid.

But you also brush off and throw away your sweet memories of old video games you loved and the days where your favorite cartoons would be on and you'd plan what time you'd wake up to watch them.
You all forget about those characters...but those characters don't forget about you or anyone else who chose to throw them away like they where nothing but garbage in your trash can.

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