ch. 3: trusting again

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It's the next day in the lunch room

'So when is mona's mom doing to let her go on a date with you again?' Hanna asks

'Whenever she can trust Mona again' aria says

'That would be a year until she does' Spencer says

'Or until she turns eight-teen' Alison says

'Oh god' aria says, she puts her head down, then Mona and Emily walks up to them

'You ok babe?' Mona asks

'Spencer and Ali give her reality check about how long your mom can trust you again' Hanna says, Mona smiles

'What did you guys say?' Emily asks

'I said a year and Ali said until she's eight-teen' Spencer says

'Well as surprisingly as this may sound, I have to agree with Alison' Mona says

'Did hell just freeze over?' Aria asks, they laugh

'I'll talk to my mom again and see if I convince her to let me go on a date with you without her tagging along' Mona says

'Wait she goes on your guys dates too?' Hanna asks

'Yeah' Mona says, she sits beside her

'Yeah, we can't even kiss for more then five minutes' aria says, then Mona gets a text she looks at it

'Relax it's just my mom telling to come home right after school because we need to talk great' Mona says

'Maybe it's something good' Hanna says

'Yeah, well she wants aria to come over for dinner tonight' Mona says, she looks at aria and smiles

'I'm going to die tonight' Aria says, she puts her head down, they laugh

'Don't worry I'll keep an eye on her while she's cooking' Mona says, aria lifts her head up and looks at her

'What time do I need to be there?' Aria asks

'5:30pm' Mona says, she smiles

'Fine I'll be there' aria says, Mona smiles and gets up she kisses her

'Good because I was going to drag you over there by my bare hands' Mona says, she kisses her and leaves

'I'm going to hell' aria says, they laugh


Later that night at mona's house

Mona is pacing around her front porch waiting for aria to show up, then she hears footsteps coming up the walkway she stops and looks up its aria

'Hey' Mona says, aria walks up to her

'Hey' aria says, Mona kisses her, not even two seconds Leona opens the front door and they stop kissing

'Ah I thought I heard footsteps, nice to see you aria' Leona says, aria smiles

'Nice to see you again Mrs. Vandrwaal, my dad wanted me to give you this' aria says, she hands Leona her favorite wine

'Oh!, tell your father thank you when you get home, I'll leave you guys alone for a few minutes I'll let you guys know when dinner is ready' Leona says

'Thanks mom' Mona says, Leona smiles and goes back inside she shuts the door

'You know I knew what i did would have consequences but with the police not my mother' Mona says, she sits down on the steps, aria sits beside her

'If she wants to trust me again the only I can is to show her that she can trust me again' Mona says

'Tell her that tonight after dinner or at dinner whenever you guys are going to talk, i know you respect your mom and I do too but there's going to be times where you have to stand up for yourself, parents may not like it but if we want to be heard you have to do it' aria says

'Yeah, I guess you're right' Mona says, aria looks at her like I'm going to kiss you now, Mona looks at her and chuckles

'What?' Mona asks, aria starts kissing her face and Mona starts laughing

'Ok, ok' Mona says, aria stops kissing her face

'Behave yourself my mom is inside' Mona says

'Well that hasn't stop us before' aria teases

'You're really helping my case tonight' Mona says, aria chuckles, Mona pushes her playfully

'Oh' Mona says

'That's what you said last night' aria says, Mona looks at her like you better stop talking

'Ok, ok, I'm sorry, I'm just trying to lighten up the mood' aria says, she starts playing with her fingers, then Mona puts her hand over both of aria's hands and smiles

'I know you are, I was a lot more calmer when I was A' Mona says

'But cece's puppet or sidekick' aria says

'At first I was her puppet, after i ran over Hanna with the car, that's when I took over the game' Mona says

'If Spencer didn't figure out that it was you behind it all, would you still continue the game?' Aria asks, she looks at her

'Probably not, once I pretended to send texts to myself I knew what i was doing and I knew that I needed the help so that's why exposed myself as A to Spencer and that's why i fell down the hill so that way people can find me and take me to radley, luckily it work' Mona says

'In the future could you be more about your mental health or talking about your time at radley, I know it was easy back at school after you was realised last year' Aria says, Mona smiles

'Only for you Montgomery, only for you, Mike and Hanna only knows a little bit of it what i just told you and Leslie too' Mona says, aria can tell that she doesn't want to talk about it anymore, so she just kisses her, then Leona opens the door, they stop kissing

'Dinner is ready' Leona says

'Come on' Aria whispers, Mona smiles, they get up and goes inside


After dinner they sit in the living room

'I wanted to talk to you guys about trusting you Mona again, I heard what you said aria earlier outside about standing up to your parents if you want to be heard and Mona honey I also heard what you said about you showing me that i can trust, so for now you can go back to your normal life same curfew and everything else' Leona says, Mona smiles

'Thank you mom' Mona says, she gets up and hugs her mom

'Its still early what are you kids doing to do?' Leona says, aria looks at Mona

'Its up to this one' aria says

'Good answer' Leona says, they laugh

'Do you mind if we go upstairs and watch a movie, the door well be Open and you can check on us now and then' Mona says, Leona smiles

'Of course you guys can' Leona says

'Come on let's go miss. Montgomery' Mona says, she gets up and grabs aria's hand

'Yes dear' aria says, Leona laughs, so they go upstairs and watches a movie until aria has to go home

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