ch.26: Mona is home! 🎉

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Mona just got back from Hawaii and she's at Spencer's barn she's unpacking then there's a knock at the door Mona walks out of the bedroom and walks up to the door and answers it, its Aria, Mona smiles

'Hey, come in' Mona says

'Hey' Aria says, she walks in, they kiss and hug for a long time

'God I missed you' Mona says, Aria smiles

'I missed you too' Aria says, Mona looks at her and kisses her

'These are for you' Aria says, she hands her roses, Mona smiles

'Aw, you do the way to my heart, thank you' Mona says, Aria smiles

'You're welcome' Aria says

'I'm going to put these in water, can you shut the door and lock it please' Mona says

'Yeah sure' Aria says

she does that, Aria turns around and Mona is wearing a red sweater because it gets chilly at night in the summer time, dark blue jeans that makes her butt look goid, black boots, hair in a ponytail, she's walking in a seductive way to the kitchen

'Oh boy I'm in trouble tonight' Aria whispers to herself, she walks in the kitchen

'How was your flight back here?' Aria asks, as she walks in, she stands across from Mona

Mona looks at her and can tell something is wrong with, usually she will say something but wants to play it out a little bit longer

'It was good, a little Jet lagged but it won't kick in until tomorrow, i just have unpack which I better do now, now that I mentioned it before I forget' Mona says, she leaves and walks in the bedroom

'How was things here?' Mona asks

'They was good, although I'm starting to worry about Mike and Caleb because they been watching horror movies to unscared themselves, if that is a word' Aria says

That makes Mona mad because she thought if she asked her how things was here, Aria would tell her what's really going on, she walks out of the bedroom and walks up to her

'Unafraid would be a better word, ok the Hell is really going on because every time i come back from a family trip you never bring flowers, which by the way was a nice gesture again thank you I appreciate it, the only time you bring flowers is if you cheated on me which I know isn't true or you guys need my help with something, so I'm going with the second one, so what do you need my help with this time' Mona says, she walks up closer to her arms crossed waiting for an answer, Aria sighs and sits down on the bar stool

'Ok we don't know if it's happening again but we all got a text from A again this morning saying 'hopefully Mona's plane doesn't go down into the ocean', we was wondering if you could trace it back to the person if it is some sick joke, we would ask Caleb but him and Lucas went to his cabin which means no WiFi and no technology' Aria says

Mona goes back to the bedroom gets her computer and walks up to the bar she sits down beside Aria and opens her computer

'Phone please' Mona says, Aria hands it to her and Mona does her thing

'Do you guys know anybody named Stacy Johnson?' Mona asks

'Yeah actually' Aria says, Mona looks at her

'She use to date Mike a little bit before you, he ended things with her because he liked you, but why is she going this now though?' Aria asks

'Well Thats what we're about to find out tomorrow because I'm too tired to do anything confronting tonight, tell the others about it and tell them don't do anything until tomorrow either' Mona says

'Got it, oh yeah by the way I didn't get you the flowers to butter you up to do this, i just thought I was just being a good girlfriend Apperately I'm not' Aria says, she gets up and walks outside

'Damn it! Mona whispers, she puts her head down and puts her hands over her face


'That's who was behind the text?, ok yeah I understand that, ok bye' Spencer says

she turns around and Hanna is laying on Spencer's bed inside the house and Spencer walks up to her she sits down beside her

'Mike's ex-girlfriend Stacy Johnson sent the text but we can't confront her until tomorrow because Mona is jet lagged which I can understand that' Spencer says

'Well thank God we know who this A identity is' Hanna says

'Yeah, well we know more answers by tomorrow' Spencer says

Spencer lays down beside her and closes her eyes, Hanna smiles and leans down she kisses her

'God please don't stop' Spencer says, Hanna chuckles

'Your wish is my command' Hanna says

Hanna starts kissing then the clothes starts to come off, ever since they started dating they having sex everyday like two Jack rabbit's


Aria walks back inside

'Ok so if you didn't buy the flowers to butter me up, then why was you so afraid to ask me to you then?' Mona asks, Aria smiles and walks up to her

'Actually I lied, I did buy them to butter You up, i know that you said that we ask you for help with anything, i just feel like you would get sick and tired of helping us eventually, you know?' Aria asks, Mona smiles

'I get that I do but babe I like helping you guys out it just shows me how much I'm needed around here, trust me if i was too burnt out to help you guys, i would tell you guys' Mona says

'Yeah, i guess you're right about that' Aria says

'Even though you butter me up with the flowers I still love them like how I love you' Mona says, Aria smiles and so does Mona

'I love you too' Aria says, they kiss

'Come on let's go celebrate my welcome home before my jet lagged fully kicks in' Mona says, Aria smiles

they go to the bedroom and celebrates Mona's return home 😉 (MrAmbrose1)

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