ch. 20: somebody gets hurt! 😱

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Mona and Aria showed everybody the records and they made copies so now they have to put them back but unfortunately Mona had to go away for the weekend so
Spencer, Aria and Hanna has to put them back in the hole so they just did that then they walk out into the hallway they run into Noel pointing a gun at them

'Well, well, i should have guess it, it was you bitches' Noel says

'Actually Hanna and Spencer wasn't with me the first time just this time' Aria says, Noel chuckles

'Have you guys seen your guys track record?' Noel asks

'Ok fair enough, but we're telling you the truth this time' Hanna says

'Why should I believe you guys?' Noel asks

'We just wanted to know what made Toby went off the deep end' Spencer says, Noel puts the gun down

'I wonder that myself and i still don't know how played two different people at different times with you he was sweet and caring all of that shit and then he was off his rocker when he wasn't around you, like you guys did nothing wrong to the guy' Noel says

'Do you think it was because he found out the truth about his mother?' Hanna says

'Um I think it's deeper then that because if you think about yes finding out that your mother gets murdered is a sad thing to find but enough to off the deep end, right?' Noel asks, Aria looks back inside the room

'I wonder why they put him down here alone?' Aria asks

'I know, ok I know I'm out there but not as bad as Toby right?' Noel asks

'To you it's a game but Toby is for revenge right?' Hanna asks

'Now you guys get it!' Noel says, he accidentally shoots the gun, everybody jumps

'Maybe I should put this away' Noel says

'Yeah' Hanna and Spencer says, they look at Aria

'Aria are you ok?' Spencer asks

Aria slowly turns around to face Hanna and Spencer she looks down at her side so does everybody else and sees a gun shot in her side

'Oh my god Aria!?' Spencer screams, Aria falls into Spencer's arms she helps her to lay down

'I'm calling 911' Noel says

'I'll call Mona' Hanna says, Spencer puts pursue on the wound, Aria starts closing her eyes

'No Aria, stay with me!?, don't you dare close your eyes!' Spencer screams

'The ambulance is on the way' Noel says

'So is Mona' Hanna says

'Don't worry I'll tell them what happened, i shot her accidentally' Noel says

'Well hopefully Mona believes you' Hanna says

'I'm screwed' Noel says


At the hospital they rush Aria into surgery everybody is In the waiting room Noel told Jenna what happened he thought somebody was breaking in because he was living there and he was talking to them then he accidentally shot Aria, Spencer and Hanna told her the same thing, then Mona walks in the waiting room, here comes the fireworks

'Hey, is she still in surgery?' Mona asks

'Yeah, for past couple of hours' Ella says

'Oh my god, how the hell did this happened?' Mona asks

'Ask them' Mike says, he points to Spencer and them who's talking to Jenna, Mona looks at them, and starts walking towards them

'Oh no, here comes the fireworks' Noel whispers, Mona walks up to them

'I want the truth and i want it now!?' Mona asks, in a angry voice

'I been living in Toby's old room and i was upstairs where I heard noises down in the basement and that's when I ran into these two and Aria putting back you know what and he got to talking about why Toby became the monster that he did I forgot that I had a gun in my hand and i accidentally squeezed the trigger and shot Aria by accidentally' Noel says

'It scared the living crap out of us' Hanna says

'I'll think about if i believe you or not, in the meantime I'm going to focus on my girlfriend I'll deal with you guys later' Mona says, she walks away and walks back up to Aria's family


Finally Aria is out of surgery and right now her family can see her they said Mona is Aria's fiancee Ella give her ring so they are goes back to see her once everything wears off Aria opens her eyes

'Hey, she's awake?' Ella says, everybody walks up to her

'Never put me in the same room as Noel again' Aria says, Mona chuckles

'Noted' Mona says, Aria looks at Mona's left hand and sees the Ring

'Ok I know I was out but I wasn't out that long was i?' Aria asks, Mona smiles

'No your mom give me her ring so that I can come back here because I can't be in the same room as the others' Mona says

'Trust me it was accident' Aria says

'We'll talk about that later, right I'm glad that you are ok' Mona says, she kisses her on the head, then the doctor walks in

'Ah, Mrs. Montgomery good you're up' the doctor says, he walks up to her and checks the wound out

'I know that my spleen is taken out' Aria says, everybody looks at her in shock

'How did you know that?' Ella asks

'Caleb had the same surgery when nate shot him in the light house' Aria says

'Impressive, anyways you're recovery time is six months maybe more, we're going to keep you here until you're able to walk on your own again' the doctor says

'Thank you doctor' Byron says

'No problem, I'll see you guys later' the doctor says, he leaves, so Ella and them stays the night, the others goes home

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