ch.27: Mona is in love! ❤

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Mona and Spencer are walking down the sidewalk

'Who would thought that we would be walking down the sidewalk together' Spencer says, Mona chuckles

'The last time we was together alone was when you find out that I was A' Mona says

'Damn, that long ago' Spencer says

'Yeah sophomore year and we're about to go into our senior year our official of high school' Mona says

'I know, I'm still trying to figure out how the hell did you and Aria ended up together?' Spencer asks

'Look who's talking you and Hanna?, nobody seen that one coming, like me and Aria nobody seen that one coming either, we all just thought that we all was straight but I guess with relationships with the opposite sex doesn't always work out so we as humans finds what we are looking for in the same sex' Mona says, Spencer looks at her like are ok

'Did you start or something?' Spencer whispers, Mona chuckles

'No but I am in love though' Mona says, they stop walking and stands face to face

'Oh my god, congratulations I think, i don't know what to say that, and that I'm happy that you're in live though' Spencer says, Mona smiles

'Thank you Spencer' Mona says

'Is this your first time being really in love with somebody else that has actually real feelings for you' Spencer says, Mona smiles

'Yeah, it is actually I just hope Aria feels the same way though' Mona says

'We are talking about Aria right because she falls in anything' Spencer says

'Well she fall in love with Ezra, so I guess she's in love with me too' Mona says, Spencer chuckles

'Are you going to tell her soon or wait a little bit more longer?' Spencer asks

'I mind as well tell soon because she knows when I'm hiding something from her unfortunately I'm not good at hiding things anymore' Mona says, Spencer looks to her left and sees Aria walking towards them

'Well you better act fast because here she comes' Spencer says, then Aria walks up to them

'Hey guys' Aria says

'Hey' they both says, Aria kisses Mona and hugs Spencer

'Are you doing anything tonight?' Mona asks Aria

'No, why, what do you have in mind?' Aria asks

'Perfect, um Spencer can i use your barn tonight around seven o'clock fine with you both ok?' Mona asks

'Yeah, sure' Spencer says

'Dress up or causal?' Aria asks

'Casual' Mona says

'Ok I'll be there at seven o'clock tonight' Aria says, Mona smiles

'Perfect, I'll go get things ready and I'll text you if i need you to bring something' Mona says

'Sounds good' Aria says

'Ok I'll see you guys later' Mona says, she kisses Aria and hugs Spencer then leaves, Spencer is smiling and Aria looks at her

'You know don't you?' Aria asks, Spencer nods

'Good or bad?' Aria asks

'Good but that's all I'm saying' Spencer says, then she walks away


Later that night Mona has the dinner table all set up with Aria's favorite foods then there's a knock on the door and Mona looks at the clock it's seven o'clock

'Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god' Mona whispers, as she walks up to the door

She takes a deep breath without trying to threw up then let's it out and opens the door she smiles

'Hey' Mona says

'Hey' Aria says, she smiles

'Come in' Mona says, as Aria walks in

'Thank you' Aria says, Mona smiles

'You're welcome' Mona says, Aria walks up to the dinner

'Wow you went all out didn't you?' Aria asks, she turns around to face her

'Iminlovewithyou' Mona mumbles, Aria looks at her confused

'What?' Aria asks, Mona walks up to her and takes a deep breath then lets it out

'I was going to wait until dinner to tell you this but I'm in love with you' Mona says, while looking at Aria

At first Aria is in shock then takes in what Mona just said and then smiles so does Mona, Aria walks up to her

'That sounds a lot better then before' Aria says, Mona blushes

'Truth be told probably Spencer told you this but i pretty much fall in love with anything I come cross, so technically I fell in love with you first but you said first so I'll give you credit on that at least one of us isn't a coward to say it' Aria says, Mona chuckles

'Are you in love with me?, seriously though?' Mona says, Aria smiles

'Yeah, i am in love with you, i have been for awhile now actually I just didn't know if you was or not' Aria says

'Well Montgomery you never know unless you say it' Mona says, Aria smiles

'Yeah i guess you're right about that' Aria says, Mona smiles and kisses her

'So I think that we should eat this food since you went through all of this trouble' Aria says

'Yeah we should' Mona says

So they sit down at the dinner table and starts eating, after they eat and as the food digest they decide to slow dance in front of the fireplace

'Its been awhile since we been on a date' Aria says

'Oh yeah, it has been the last time we went on a date was before I went to Hawaii' Mona says

'Damn, we need to spice up our relationship then' Aria says

'Are you trying to get me pregnant already?' Mona jokes

'Ha ha, not like that, what i mean is go on more dates if we can find the time that is' Aria says

'Yeah I know what you mean' Mona says, she puts her head on Aria's chest

Once they get done with dancing they are so tired that they just go to bed because of the day that they had

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