ch.33: message received

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Now since Alex knows where their new location is at now they move again and this time it's at lodge yes it get burned down but they rebuild it since then

'Man the last time we was here Charlotte tried to burn us alive' Hanna says

'Now it might be Alex that does it this time' Mona says

Everybody looks at her like really and Mona looks at them

'What just saying' Mona says

'Alright guys lets get set up' Spencer says

Mona and Caleb follows her, while Aria and Hanna stays back

'Hey, Han, is everything ok with Spencer?, she's been acting weird since we knew about Alex?' Aria whispers to Hanna

'Yeah, well, she's trying to process everything, so are we too' Hanna says, she walks up to the others, so does Aria

'Well I found these medicines and needles on Alex's computer' Caleb says

'What kind of medicines?' Mona asks

'Um LDS and ecstasy' Caleb says

'Don't those drugs make you have outter body experience' Hanna says

'Yeah, they do' Spencer says

Aria puts her hand on her neck and moves it around she looks at the needles she starts having flashbacks of Alex putting a needle in her neck she puts her fingers in between her eyes and everybody looks at her

'Babe, what's wrong?' Mona asks

'Do those drugs make you have memory lost too?' Aria asks

'Some times why?' Spencer asks

'Because I think Alex give me one of those drugs because I'm having flashbacks of Alex putting a in my neck' Aria says

'Not memory lost, illusions' Mona says

'That explains why Spencer stares off into space some times' Hanna says, everybody looks at her

'I what?' Spencer asks

'Yeah some times when we're talking you stop in the middle of the sentence and have this distance look on your face' Hanna says

'Wait are you saying Alex drug us?' Aria asks

'Are you surprised?' Mona asks

'No, not really especially what Archer Dunhill did to Alison' Aria says

'Excatly' Mona says, they get back to work


They decide to take a break Aria is sitting outside then Mona walks out Aria looks at her

'Hey' Aria says, Mona smiles

'Hey' Mona says, and she sits down in the chair beside her

'Will these drugs effects us forever?' Aria asks

'No, they will leave your guys body eventually, it's a temporary drug and she put it in you guys so that way that you guys will forget about what you guys saw and went through' Mona says

'So that way we couldn't find her but why did she make that video then?' Aria asks

'So we can find you guys before she got even more in trouble' Mona says

'I thought that this was over with it' Aria says

'Is it ever over with us' Mona says

'I guess this is our lives forever' Aria says

'Yeah I guess so' Mona says, then Caleb walks out

'Alex just sent us another video' Caleb says, they get up and follows inside

'What did she say or want this time?' Mona asks

'I don't know we haven't watch it yet' Caleb says, he hits the play button


Alex pops up on the screen in front of a camera

'Its such a shame that you guys left this lovely place' Alex says, she starts walking around their old place

'I hope that I didn't scare you guys off, did i?' Alex asks, she starts laughing evil like

'If I was you guys I would stop looking for me or you guys will end up like Mona and Spencer in radley, oh wait radley is shut down now, how about the mental hospital that Charlotte was in, I heard that her ghost still haunts the place still and she's angry at Mona for killing her' Alex says

'Don't forget guys I'm always one step ahead of you guys just like Mona and Charlotte but if you guys love hind and go seek then good luck, kisses A' Alex says, she blows a kiss then the screen turns black


'What the Hell did we just watch?' Aria asks

'I have no idea, Usually these A videos makes sense but this one didn't' Caleb says

'Wait a minute Caleb go back a little bit' Spencer says, he does

'Stop right there, look at her eyes' Spencer says, they look at Alex's eyes

'They're red' Hanna says

'Which means she's doing drugs' Caleb says

'And that she's more unstable then me and Charlotte combin' Mona says

'Which also means that her game is more dangerous too' Spencer says

'Which means that we don't know what she's capable of' Aria says, they all agrees on that


They decide to call it a night and they head home as Spencer gets to the barn she sees somebody shut the door and run away she watches them run through the woods she wants to go after them but is too tired to chase after them she walks up to the door and walks in she shuts the door and locks it she looks around to see if anything is missing she walks up to the dinner table there's a box sitting on the table that says 'open me' Spencer slowly walks up to the box and slowly opens it, it's a doll just like her holding a bottle of pills she picks it up and walks up to the door she opens it and looks outside, Alex is watching her from the woods

'Let the games begin bitches' Alex whispers to herself, then she leaves

Spencer hears a stick snap she goes back inside and shuts the door and locks it she puts her back against the door she looks down at the doll she tosses on the couch and puts her head on the door

'Oh my god' Spencer whispers to herself

She goes splashes cold water on her face and tries to get some sleep

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