ch. 9: when does it end!

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Mona told everybody to meet her at her RV about an update on trying to get into 'A's computer so everybody is there

'Well me and Caleb both tried to get into the computer whoever it is has a really strong code, like I told you guys don't except a miracle, we tired every code we know' Mona says

'Yeah, well you guys tried that's the main thing right?' Aria says

Mona looks at her and smiles she puts her head on her shoulder aria kisses her on the head, Hanna smiles at that, Spencer looks at Emily and she's thinking

'Em, what are you thinking about?' Spencer asks, everybody looks at her

'Easy or hard codes?' Emily asks

'Hard codes' Mona says

'I don't think they would put a easy code in their computer right?' Hanna asks

'Unless it's a trap and they want us to' Mona says, she sits down on her bed and starts doing her thing

'What does this 'A' want from us, I understand why Mona did it well technically she had the right to do it' Hanna says

'I feel like this one is personal, can any one of you guys think back to a time where we piss somebody off to the point where they want to hurt us' Spencer says, everybody starts thinking but Mona

'One night as I was walking home I saw cece on the phone with Jenna, and cece said Jenna if i ever see you anywhere around nate again I'll scratch your eyes out' Aria says

'How can she do that if Jenna can't see' Hanna says, everybody looks at her

'You know what i mean' Hanna says

'I'll let Caleb handle this and I'll do some digging around Jenna and cece past and see what i can find out' Mona says

'I guess in the meantime we just sit back and until our next clue' Hanna says, then all their phones goes off at the same time

'That did not just happened!?' Spencer asks, they look at their phones out and looks at the messages

'If I was you guys I would get home as soon as possible  because I'm pretty sure that you're parents are not happy right now -kisses A' Emily says

'Oh my god, the pictures!' Spencer screams

'Don't worry I already deleted them, off my flash drive and off the one 'A', I didn't you guys this because what's the point because it's old news but i did get into 'A's computer but just for the pictures and then deleting them' Mona says

'Why was it so easy to get into that one but not the whole computer?' Hanna asks

'Beats me' Mona says

'Its getting late we should all go home and get some sleep' Spencer says

'Yeah, good idea' Emily says

'Night guys' Hanna says

'Night' Aria and Mona says, so those three leaves

'Just let me get everything pack up then we can head out' Mona says, she gets off the bed and starts putting her stuff away

'That message that we just got what does it mean to you?' Aria asks

'Honestly it mean a lot of things, it may be another trap message or our parents are actually mad at us for something we did do' Mona says

'Can I pick at your brain for a little bit' Aria says, she sits down on the bed, Mona looks at her and can tell she's serious, she sits beside her

'Of course, what's up?' Mona asks

'Would you have this kind of life or a normal life without 'A' in it, which one would you choose?' Aria asks

'As much as I love playing the game because it keeps us on our toes but I would choose a normal life without 'A' in it because i wouldn't have to look over my shoulder every time I get a text from someone, or a get a package on my doorstep without thinking there's a body part in it, I know you want this to be over we all do, don't be surprised if this ends before we go to college' Mona says, aria looks at her

'Oh yeah we're going to different colleges in two years' Aria says

'There's no way that this person well conuine the game if all of us are in different states' Mona says

'Here's a funny thought what if we all come back here and have kids of our own, and they went through the same shit as we did' Aria says

'Then we all have bad genes then, anyways everything is packed up and I'm ready to go' Mona says

'Ok' Aria says, Mona kisses her and gets up, Mona locks the RV up, then they leave


'So did Mike give you any more details about his Photoshoot that he wants our help on yet?' Mona asks

'Oh yeah, he said that he's going to look at a few spots first then he'll let us know' Aria says

'Do you that was Hanna on the phone when we heard him come up the stairs?' Mona asks

'There might be a chance of that being true, did you guys do a Photoshoot too?' Aria asks, Mona smiles

'No but he wanted to until I fake my own death, which by the way don't do because you get into serious trouble' Mona says

'Noted' Aria says, they look at each other and smiles they sit in comfortable silence for the rest of the ride

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