ch. 39: the kids are born / Adopted

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A/N this chapter is going to be over all the place


time jump after college

Everybody moved back to rosewood and the town has change since they left, we already know what happened to Savannah after she was born so let's fast forward to Mona having Claire

at the hospital Claire is sleeping in those baby crib things in front of a big window then a nurse walks in and puts Amanda down next to her but Amanda is not having it she starts crying which makes Claire wake up and looks over at Amanda, Claire gets her arm out her blanket and reaches out for Amanda, may i remind you that they was just born then again Claire did come from Mona, Amanda looks at Claire like 'how did you do that?' but Amanda figures out how she Claire did it and got her hand out too she reaches out for Claire's hand and they hold hands until they have to go back to their parents


Savannah, Diego, and Isabella are at Kelly's and David's house then they walk in with a crying Amanda they look at them

'she's sad because she had to leave her new friend at the hospital so she's a little cranky right now' Kelly says, they sit down on the couch

'come say hi Sava' Isabella says

Savannah is one almost two and she walks up to them Amanda looks at Savannah, Savannah doesn't know what to do

'Savannah this is Amanda' Kelly says

Savannah smiles and Amanda reaches her hand out to Savannah she takes Amanda's hand

'i think that these two are going to be good friends' Isabella says

'oh yeah' Kelly says


Five months later Emily just had Ava, Ava is laying in her crib things in front of the big window then Mona, Aria, and a crying Claire because she got interrupted in the middle of her nap the she looks at Ava through the window and sees Ava sleeping peacefully Claire stops crying she puts her hand on the glass looking at Ava in aw

'I think Claire just found a new friend' Aria says

'yeah I think she did' Mona says, she smiles, they look at Ava too


Caitlin was adopted a couple of weeks later by Hanna and Spencer

Dylan was adopted a couple of weeks after Caitlin was adopted, he was adopted by Caleb and Lucas


A/n you guys knows the rest of it in pretty little lairs growing up

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