ch.4: aria's new fashion change

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Aria told everybody to meet her in the woods after dark they are waiting on her

'Do you know why she told us to us out here for?' Spencer asks

'No, she didn't, even if i did it's not my secret to share' Mona says

'That hasn't stop you before' Alison says

'Oh honey, that was two personalities ago' Mona says

'If she doesn't get soon I'm going to freeze to death' Hanna says

'Hanna it's 45 degrees out not 19, you're going to be fine' Spencer says

'Mona try calling her' Emily says, as she's about to get her phone out

'Hey guys sorry it took so long I had to do something' aria says

'It's fine' Emily asks

'What are you wearing?' Alison asks, they look at what she's wearing all dress in black like 'A' use to wear

'Oh you got to be kidding me, they got to you already?' Spencer asks, Mona looks at what aria is wearing

'All, no, no, no, no, take that off right now' Mona says, In a stern voice

'Trust me I would love to but i don't have a extra set of clothes with me' aria says

'To my car now, I have some extras in my car' Mona says, they look at her

'Don't worry I have some for you guys too knowing 'A' as I do they like to play dirty, and not the good kind either' Mona says

'Wait that thing you had to do, did you just do it?' Emily asks

'No, fortunately 'A' saw as me the weak leak and made somebody else do it, I saw them doing whatever 'A' made them do, i was dress like this because i thought that I was going to do it' aria says

'As much as you look good in black, to my car now' Mona says, in a stern voice

'Yes ma'am' Aria says, they walk over to mona's car, the others starts laughing

'Wait a minute is that where my blue shirt went to?' Hanna asks

'Whatever she has of mine, it's not worth getting back especially the mood Mona is in now' Alison says, they look at Mona's car

'Aright choose your choice' Mona says, as opens her trunk

'Wow you wasn't kidding, were you?' aria asks

'Nope, either you pick or I do, because the more I see you wearing those clothes the more I want to burn which I will after you change' Mona says

'I was going to throw them away but your plan is better like always, just keep the hood open til i get done' aria says

'Do you want to me to turn around?' Mona asks

'It's nothing that you haven't seen before' aria says, she winks at her

'fair point' Mona says, so aria changes into her normal clothes and hands Mona the 'A' clothes

'Thanks' aria says

'No thank you' Mona says, she shuts the trunk, the others walks up to them

'What do we do now?' Hanna asks

'You guys go home and I'll get rid of these, then we pretend that we didn't come out or saw aria as 'A', got it' Mona orders, they all agrees

'Hey I can you lift if you need one?' Hanna asks

'Uh, yeah sure, thanks' Aria says

'Come on spence, we can take you home to' Emily says

'Ok, thanks' Spencer says

'I'll meet you in the car' Hanna says

'Ok' aria says, they leave to give them some privacy

'I'll text you and tell you that its done' Mona says

'You're always the one saying our ass's' Aria says, Mona smiles

'Yeah, well I technically started all this so I know how the game works, to be honest i wish I didn't because look at the damage I have done to your guys lives' Mona says

'After they took you to radley, me and the others made this joke that if you didn't do all of this we would have boring lives and truth be told I agree, at the end of your game you made us just a little more stronger, you saw how we was with Ali we were like her puppets your wish is my command Sainte' aria says

'I agree on everything you just said Montgomery' Mona says, she smiles

'Ok so text me when you get done with that' aria says, Mona smiles

'Well do Montgomery' Mona says, she walks up to her and kisses her


In Emily's car

'How did those two end up together beats the hell outta me' Spencer says, as they watch them kiss

'Well look at this way, at least one of is close to Mona to see if she goes off the deep end again' Alison says

'Fair enough' Spencer says, so they leave, aria gets into hanna's car they leave, Mona gets in her car and leaves


Hanna just drop aria off as she walks in her room she jumps because Mona is sitting on her

'Sorry I didn't mean to scare you' Mona says, aria shuts her door

'No I love getting scared by my girlfriend' aria says, Mona chuckles

'Anyways the clothes burned, they Brunt fast they use cheap ass fabric' Mona says

'Huh, that explains why it was so itchy' aria says

'I would tell you through text knowing 'A' like i do they would send a text saying 'she didn't burn the clothes, she's keeping them for a special moment' Mona says

'That does like 'A' aria says

'I told my mom that I would stop by here to tell something and she said that's fine just don't stay too long because of curfew' Mona says

'Ah' aria says, Mona gets up and walks up to her

'Which I gotta go, I'll see you tomorrow' Mona says

'As always' aria says

'Perfect, goodnight mi Amor' Mona says

'Goodnight Mi amor' aria says, they kiss and Mona leaves

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