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I heard Jeongin let out a loud shriek and I turned around quickly to him.

He was in front of a tree and a knife was right near his neck.

"Are you just gonna stare, kill me,  or are you gonna look for other tributes?" a hoarse, tired voice spoke up.

Well shit, we were gonna die

The owner of the voice stood up and me and Jeongin froze.

"Don't kill us, please" Jeongin pleaded as he shot us both a glare

He looked horrendous, his cheekbones were sunken in and it looked like he hadn't slept in days, he had messy hair and half his shirt was teared out, revealing an abundance of messily done, stained bandages on his hip and also revealing his toned abs. He shook his head and sighed, letting out a forced chuckle.

"What's the point?" He asked half heartedly, "it's not going to get me anywhere, why don't you kill me instead? Hmm? Sound good? I'm as good as gone now so why not take the chance to kill the "Hunger games' killing machine"?" He opened his arms, accepting death, fully accepting it and I was shocked.

"WAIT!" Mine, Jisung and Jeongin's heads snapped over to the noise.


"What are you going to do then?" Seungmin spoke, sounding out of breath, as if he had ran.

"Leave us three to fight to the death, which we won't do, or let the other good players hunt us down?"

Jisung pursed his lips, as if considering it.

"But what are we gonna do when it's just you there once it's up for me?" He asked, letting out a scoff "these games are ruthless, they will do some horrible things until only one person is standing, that's why we should've never gotten attached, this is on you guys, and me, we may as well end up all dead" his voice filled with hate, it was obvious he hated every fiber of the games' being

Seungmin nodded thoughtfully "it is our fault," he agreed "but that doesn't mean we're gonna kill anyone any less than we would" he finished before any of us, mainly me and Jeongin, could make any retorts to what he had previously stated.

"It's true" I finally spoke up, my head swirling with thoughts on what would actually happen, I doubt I would even get that far.

A loud scream teared me from my thoughts.


His hand slowly moved to his chest, where an arrow was newly placed.

Fuck, fuck fuck fuck

Another tribute caught mine and Jisung's eyes.

It was Bambam, of course it was, master of the bow and arrow.

Jisung showed no sign of mercy when grabbing one of his throwing knives and aiming.

He made no haste in throwing it, in fact, the point of the blade kept trained on Bambam for a while.

Then he threw.

Holy shit, this guy was no joke, the capitol really trained him well.

We both watched as Bambam fell to the floor with a new blade in his throat and soon after, a canon shot sounded loudly.

I turned back to Jeongin in a panic, "Jeongin, no, no, no" I breathed, my hands hovering over his chest wound, I reached for my bag but a hand grabbed my wrist.

Jeongin gave me a small smile as he brought my wrist down to his chest. Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Leave it, Hyunjinnie, I'd never win anyway and I would rather die than have to let you kill me or vice versa, it makes it easier for you, right..?" He spoke in a weak voice, coughing out a bit of blood, I shook my head.

"No, innie, I don't want you to die"

Jeongin let out a breathy, weak laugh "I know.." he spoke "but keep going Jinnie, do it for the district"

With that, his eyes closed and a canon shot was heard.

I hoped he just lost consciousness and the canon shot belonged to someone else, but I knew at the back of my mind it was Jeongin.

Seungmin's eyes were wide, and he quickly made a run for it, he knew  Bambam had an ally that won't be far away.

Jisung was obviously keeping a look out so I took it as an opportunity to cry "Innie" I mumbled "no..."

Jeongin's eyes were firmly shut, no hot or cold breath leaving his slightly parted lips. His chest was no longer rising and falling in a rhythmic pattern.

I ran my hand through Jeongin's greasy hair, sniffing.

"What did the boy mean by do it for the district, both of you are in different districts aren't you?" Jisung spoke up.

I nodded slowly "yeah..." I whispered

"His district partner is Mark, if I'm not mistaken, and that Tuan bloke is still alive, the district may not be too happy" he continued

"Lovely... WOAH" I screamed, a spear came flying towards me and just slightly missed me.

"Well I'll be damned if it isn't dumb and dumber and.." he paused looking at Jeongin on the floor "dumbest" he finished. "Which one of you did it?" He asked harshly.

Jisung grabbed Seonghwa's arm and put a knife up to his throat "I did my dear Seonghwa, but it's not like you will be alive to tell anyone" he said teasingly, slightly pushing in the knife, making Seonghwa hiss in pain.

"Please let me go" Seonghwa managed to utter put

"Good grief these games are making me go crazy, where's my manners" Jisung sighed.

Seonghwa's eyes lit up, he was going to be spared, after all... Or so he thought

"Do you have any last words?" Jisung smiled innocently as Seonghwa's facials twisted back to fear.

"Yes, I do, fucking faggot." Seonghwa spat.

Jisung scoffed, slitting Seonghwa's throat and watching him fall to the ground, "sorry about Bambam by the way~" he chimed before the canon shot.

I watched in pure shock, Jisung was damn insane, the games made him lose his head. Losing Minho made him crumble to the floor in a fit of grief in which he uses psychotic behaviours to cover up the pain.

I can't help but feel bad.

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