145 6 3

I felt sick watching the scores being shown, it felt like so many people were better than me, of course, they were, I was getting more and more worried as more scores were announced.

My head really hurt.

I really wasn't ready for this.

Jackson got 8
Yugyeom got 7
Jeongin got 5
Mark got 10
Bambam, of course, got a 12
Bang Chan got 7
Felix got 5
Changbin got 10
Jinyoung got 6
Youngjae got 5
Jaebeom got 11
San got 8
Yeosang got 7
Mingi got 6
Hongjoong got 7
Wooyoung got 5
Jisung got, surprise, surprise; 12
Minho got 7
Jongho got 4
Seonghwa got 8
Yunho got 5
Eric got 6
And Seungmin got an impressive 9

Steer clear of Mark, Bambam, Changbin, Jaebeom and Jisung...

For those who got a lower score, it probably means they're better with another weapon, because I feel like there's no chance they wouldn't be at least a little bit prepared.

Dongju and Bora clapped for Seungmin and I and we decided to call it a day after we had dinner.

The day was drawing near

I never wanted to live to see this day

But I have to

And I have to kill, too.

Interviews, that was the first thought that came to mind.

No... No no no no it's almost time. The last full day, the more I thought about it the more my stomach did flips.

Interviews... Interviews... My mind repeated like a twisted chant, the first person to drag me back out of my cacophony of 'Interviews' was Seungmin.

"Hey... Hyunjin, are you okay?" He asked softly then paused "well.. I mean, as in, other than worrying for the games, do you uhm.." he paused again "want a hug?" He offered shyly, opening his arms in a welcoming manner

I couldn't say no to him, and I nodded so he wrapped them around me and I returned the embrace.

We were both scared, I knew we were, but an emotion isn't going to slow down the time and allow us to go back so our names never get picked out of the glazed glass bowl that everyone dreads.

Once we had gotten somewhat ready, an enthusiastic Bora meets us to talk about the interviews.

If I'm being brutally honest, I didn't really listen to her loud, shrill voice.

So, I didn't know what she said, but I trusted Seungmin to fill me in, in a less boring way.

Time flew.

Too fast for my liking.

Make it stop.

Make i-

"Hi boys" A soft voice spoke out, it was Hwanwoong, he gave us each a small smile when we looked at him and he got a few clothes and clicked his tongue. "So... I was wondering... If you wanted sponsors, you'd have to wear something the Capitol would love. . . But there's a limited amount of things I can do for you two" he paused to scan our faces before continuing "so I thought, what better than to be yourself like we've said before, you know? To show personalities, showing your true self is bound to get you some supporters on your side" his worried, sparkling eyes never left neither mine, or Seungmin's features.

"If that's... Okay?" He finished.

"I think it's a good idea" Seungmin spoke up.

Hwanwoong let a small smile plaster over his once, pursed lips "that's good, I picked out a few clothes that resembled you as a person, I'm happy you like it" he let out an awkward laugh "or else I'd have to have another look" he concluded

Seungmin and I nodded slowly, as we took in what he had just said.

"It's almost time, huh..?" His tone turned dull and dark, his eyes no longer holding the lit up sparkle "it's fucking horrible.. isn't it?" He continued "I'm sorry"

With that, he walked away. There was no context, he just left. Me and Seungmin shared a glance before our eyes trained to the clothes Hwanwoong gave us separately. We parted our separate ways.

Hwanwoong was right, it is fucking horrible, the games... That is, the outfit looks amazingly good.

Seungmin's did too and we both agreed for eachother.

But Hwanwoong didn't come back for a while...

Key word, 'while', he did come back, just after a long time.

He asked for opinions and if he had to change anything and we said no and gave him them back for the night, to which he took and walked back away, he didn't talk much, apart from the necessary questions.

It was like the clock hands wanted to do a marathon, time was going too quick. It scared me.

I wasn't prepared.

Physically nor mentally.

It didn't feel right watching everyone else get interviewed.

It was Jisung's turn. And they asked him a few questions

"Do you want to win?"

"Fuck yeah, why wouldn't I?"

The interviewer just chuckled and shook his head. "Who would you like to prove wrong if you win?" He asked

I noticed Jisung's eye twitch a little "those good for nothing homophobes" he spat "they say we should go to fucking hell because of their religion or whatever yet it literally says some shit about being rude to others is also a fucking sin so who's really going to burn in hell? I'd say sending someone for loving someone that isn't the opposite sex to a death game is a fucking sin." He seethed, banging his fist on the table "If people would just keep to themselves and realise who another person loves wouldn't be a problem to them.., you don't give a shit if you see a straight couple in the district so why the fuck would they give us dirty glares if the 'other' in the relationship is 'replaced'!" I could, and everyone could tell he was seething with anger.

The interviewer tried to calm him down "Woah, hey, all I did was ask who you wanted to prove wrong" he laughed, encouraging the audience to do so too.

"Now... Another question"

"I'm all ears." Jisung said bluntly

"Who will you find hard to kill?"

Jisung paused for a long moment and sighed "My boyfriend,

Lee Minho"

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