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Jeongin and I trudged through the forest


Jeongin jumped

"Another one?"


I raised an eyebrow, looking around me cautiously


"Three?" Jeongin asked "jeez that was a lot" he muttered

I nod slowly "I really hope it's not Seungmin" I mutter

"Oh it's not Seungmin"

Jeongin shrieked and I whipped my head around

"It will be though, if he doesn't get on and help" the voice continued

"Jaebeom..." I muttered, balling my hand in to a fist

Jaebeom smiled devilishly and put a knife up to Seungmin's throat "You're meant to help me kill people" he growled through gritted teeth

"NO! LET HIM GO!" I yell

"No, I don't think I will" Jaebeom smiled sweetly, keeping the knife in place, but then, he let out a hideous noise, I noticed a trident had been stabbed in to him.

Jaebeom let go of Seungmin and fell to his knees, revealing who stabbed him.



Changbin smirked a bit and made direct eye contact "I saw Wooyoung dead and you two go off somewhere, so thanks for getting him, it'll boost my chances of winning, next time I won't give you mercy, though" he threatened, and turned to leave after stabbing Jaebeom one more time.


"Yowch" Jeongin muttered to himself, seeing Changbin fall to the ground, head bashed in by a weight

Bang  bang

"You killed Wooyoung!?" The dealer yelled in utter disbelief "How fucking dare you!" He picked up the trident from Jaebeom's chest and lifted it to throw it at me

"No! He didn't!" Jeongin yelled only to get the trident aimed at him

Seungmin looked up "NO!" he screamed picking up Jaebeom's knife and charging at San, stabbing him right in the chest

San fell to the floor, screaming in pain

Jeongin and I watched with wide eyes

"Did you just stab him?" I whisper yell

After a bit of silence, the canon shot loudly

Tears streamed down Seungmin's face "I killed someone" he cried, he fell to his knees and his bloody, muddy hands covered his face

"Hey, it's okay" I speak first, going to him and putting a hand on his shoulder "you protected us, it wasn't your fault" I say in comfort

Jeongin nodded "he was going to kill us, what else were you meant to do?" He asks, crouching down next to Seungmin, who was sobbing in to his hands

"If it makes you any better..." Jeongin muttered "I've killed someone"

Seungmin raised his head and looked at Jeongin "who?" He voiced quietly

"Jinyoung" Jeongin answered shakily "it's for us, okay? We're the good guys in our eyes, in our district's eyes" he added on

Seungmin nodded slowly, sniffing, he stood up slowly "where were you?" Seungmin turned to me "you left me and I couldn't find you anywhere! Then I ran in to Yunho and he promised me he'd keep me safe, then when he left to get something, Jaebeom found me and made a deal with me it was so scary!"

"I'm so sorry" I whisper "I got tackled to the ground by Eric, Jisung saved me and I had to run, I didn't want to get hurt and leave you alone to look for someone who wasn't even alive anymore"

Seungmin just sighed "where should we go?"

"We should wait here, see who's died and see who's left" Jeongin spoke "maybe, go away from these three" he added, earning a nod from Seungmin and I.

We walked a bit and looked up, the day had gone way too quick for my liking.

"Goddamn Hyunjin, you dragged me looking for Seungmin for HOURS!" Jeongin complained, sliding down a tree despite the fact I knew he was still shaken by everything

Today's fallen tributes

Jackson Wang - District 1
Bang Chan - District 3
Seo Changbin - District 4
Lim Jaebeom - District 6
Choi San - District 6
Song Mingi - District 7
Kim Hongjoong - District 8
Jung Wooyoung - District 8

"Yikes" Jeongin muttered

"So that leaves ten of us, You, Mark, BamBam, Jisung, Minho, Jongho, Seonghwa, Yunho, you and me" Seungmin muttered, pointing at Jeongin and I respectively as he listed off the people left "Yunho and Jongho are my ally's, Jisung and Minho seem to not care about killing us, yet, and I've yet to meet Mark, Bambam and Seonghwa" Seungmin continued "I'd say we'll be fine" he sighed "staying here for the night will do us quite good to rest up"

Jeongin nodded

"I wonder what Jisung is doing right now"

"That's a weird wonder" Jeongin scoffed "Jisung's a weirdo with a dodgy accent"

"A dodgy accent??" Seungmin shoots Jeongin a look

"What? All the district nine people have weird accents and Jisung's is so strong but it's a mix with the accent they speak in the Capitol so it's a nine Capitol accent or something" Jeongin rambled

"His accent is quite weird" i admitted "I still wonder what he's doing"

"Perhaps listening into your conversation"

Jeongin looked up "stop hanging off fucking trees" he rolled his eyes, scooting away from Jisung

"I never really listened to my accent, maybe it is quite strange, but that's besides the point, I was gonna ask-"

"No, we are not gonna be allies you're a weirdo with a weird accent" Jeongin fired back "you would betray us when it's only us left anyway"

"Hmmm, you're right, suit yourself, if three cannon shots go off and I see your name, I won't be the one to blame" Jisung smiled, winked, and left

To be honest I don't remember anything after that, next thing I knew, I was asleep

Jisung's third person POV

Jisung sighed and continued walking

"Well? How'd it go?" Minho asked, catching up to him

"To plan" Jisung smiled and continued walking "go to sleep, I'll be off to the lake, I'll find something there"

Minho nodded "okay, ciao, see ya in a bit" he smiled, giving Jisung a sweet peck on the cheek and Jisung walked off

I don't think he understands it doesn't matter how far we get, one of us will have to die if one of us is gonna win, it's unfair I know, but he needs to understand Minho thought to himself.

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