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I heard music playing and I opened one eye, right, the fallen tributes, I didn't want to see Jeongin's name so I forced myself to close my eyes again and try to sleep, and it worked because the next thing I heard was Seungmin waking me up.

I stir a bit before opening my eyes "morning" I mumble, stretching

"Morning" Seungmin responds.

I look over to see a tree Jisung was leaning on, asleep

"I thought that once Jisung wakes up, we can make a plan" he continues, sitting next to me.

I nod slowly "right, we're still in a killing game" I sigh

Seungmin nods solemnly "I'm afraid so, I don't know how much hope I have, but we may as well try" he had changed from yesterday, I'm glad he wasn't in tears over this again.

We stayed sat down and talked until we heard Jisung stir.

We turned to look at him and he opened his eyes.

"Ah" he started "thanks for going on watch last night Seungmin" he swiftly said "I really needed that sleep" he said sheepishly

Seungmin nods, smiles, and turns back to me

"So, Seungmin and I think we should come up with a-"

"Plan?" Jisung cuts me off, finishing my sentence.

"Well- yes" I say and Seungmin nods

"Mhm, well, what'ch'ya got?" He asks

Seungmin shrugs

"Well, we don't have anything" I speak

"Right, how about we stick with the 'original' plan, if... Ya know... they were still here" his voice wobbled at the end of his sentence

"You look for Jongho and..." Seungmin trailed off "we never... Actually... Finished it"

"Oh right, are y'all okay looking for Mark?" Jisung asks, already picking up his backpack

"I don't want to kill another person!" Seungmin cries

I look down, I didn't want to kill anyone, but from what Jisung said about Hwanwoong, Youngjo and Dongju, maybe we could all get out, I was definitely being selfish but I would kill Mark if it guaranteed the safety of the one I love and my friend.

"Fine" I say, Seungmin looks at me in shock

"The handsome one has some bravery, well, good luck" he says "and please don't die" he adds dropping a weapon behind him as his hoisted the bag over his shoulder "use that" he says, turning to leave "ciao" he finishes, walking off.

"And so the end is nigh" I speak, mainly to myself

"You're willing to kill Mark!?" Seungmin speaks in disbelief

"It'll keep you safe, it'll keep us safe" I wouldn't elaborate, even when Seungmin gave me a questioning look, I needed him to know I was doing this for him, that I cared for him so much.

Seungmin mentioned that we saw eachother in the district multiple times, and I never knew it was him, he always kept his face hidden, so to know who the mystery person I met up with in the District was Seungmin felt so nice to me.

We walked around the arena looking for Mark. Seungmin kicked some leaves "what are they chances we find him so soon, didn't you look for me for ages and had no luck?" Seungmin asks, looking at me

I sigh and nod slowly "it did take a while, but we found you, so hopefully we can find Mark, and Jisung finds Jongho, so we can end this once and for all"

"You're making it seem like all three of us will survive" Seungmin speaks, skeptical, looking at me

"You'll know everything soon enough Minnie, I promise" I reassure.

It was eerie, walking through a forest knowing two people were perhaps out to kill us

Knowing as soon as we found at least one of these people, it would be a battle to the death.

I will admit.

I was scared.

But who wasn't scared?

I'm sure Jongho is scared.

I'm sure Jisung is scared.

I'm sure Mark is scared.

I know Seungmin is scared.

Everyone is scared of the same outcome.

Them dying.

Nobody here wants to die.

All of us want to live to survive and go back to our families, who want us to survive to come back to them and give them hugs.

We stayed silent for a while before Seungmin started speaking "How special is your family to you?" He asks softly

"Well" I begin thinking for a long while "they're so special, I love my parents so much and I know they're scared shitless right now, I want to hug them" I trail off "but I can't.."

Seungmin nods sadly "I love my parents too, but my mum is something special, she's so sweet to me, I never want to say goodbye, and I'm scared that if I die in these games, she'll have to say goodbye to me... Without me even hearing"

I frown "I know it's hard.. it's hard for both of us, so we have to work hard to see ourselves through this, to see our families again, to hug them again, to tell them 'i love you'."

"I will say 'I love you' to them again" Seungmin spoke bravely, "I'm not going down quietly." He continued, determined

I nod "that's right! We do this for our families!"

"Hell yeah" Seungmin agreed, causing me to smile softly

We spoke to eachother while keeping our eyes peeled for Mark, wherever that bitch was, he was hard to find, really hard to find.

It felt impossible to find him, like he disappeared in to oblivion as soon as somebody died.

And then...

we heard a loud, angry shout


Me and Seungmin got behind a bush and watch what was happening in front of us.

Mark was attacking Jongho, which did not end good on Mark's behalf. Jongho slammed him to the floor and beat him so much, he was giving no mercy, It was obvious he was hungry to win these games, he wouldn't stop at anything.

Mark screamed in obvious pain as he flailed around, soon, he rolled away, got up shakily and tried to run away, limping and coughing out scarlet blood.

Seungmin gulped beside me as we watched, horrified

And then, Jongho spotted us.

Well shit.

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