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{°•Hyunjin's POV•°}

"Hello and welcome to the reaping of the 77th Annual Hunger Games in District 12!" Called an enthusiastic voice, which belonged to a woman named Bora.

I couldn't help but scoff at Bora's attempt of making everyone more enthusiastic about the games.

She continued to blabber on about the history until she finally put her hand in the bowl full of names.

My heart was beating

She unfolded it

My breath became short

"Hwang Hyunjin"

I froze


No this can't be true

Wake me up I must be dreaming.

"Come on, I don't bite" she spoke as I took a small step forward.

I could hear my parents sobbing and I finally got myself to walk slowly up to Bora.

She smiled at me, gave me a small hug and moved to the next bowl and unfolded it.

I gulped

"Kim Seungmin"

My eyes nervously scanned the relieved looks on people's faces for the one who didn't look so relieved.

The poor boy looked so scared as he walked out from the crowd and slowly towards Bora.

"My baby! No, not my baby!" Someone I could only assume was Seungmin's mother called.

Seungmin lowered his head and Bora grabbed both of our hands.

"The tributes of district 12 for the 77th annual hunger games!" She announced raising them before letting them go and clapping, her facials faltering as nobody else clapped.

I heard her mutter a small 'tough crowd' as she escorted us to where we were supposed to be.

My parents came in, I took a long, deep breath, knowing this may well be my last time seeing them, I hugged them so tight, I didn't want to let go, I cried. And so did they.

{°• _ •°}

The train traveled away from the place I may never return to. From my home. I felt sad, sad was an understatement, I was extremely upset and I know Seungmin was too, he was crying into his hands softly.

I put an arm around him and rubbed his back in a way of comfort, I didn't dare say it was okay because it wasn't, and the both of us knew that.

"Hello boys, you must be Seungmin and Hyunjin, yes?"

We were interrupted by a voice and we look up.

"My name is Dongju" he smiled sweetly after we nodded.

"I'll basically be your mentor" he continued. We nodded again.

Dongju sighed "I know it must be hard knowing you have to fight in the Hunger games" he sympathised "I've been through the same as you... It's horrible" he looked down "and knowing you have blood on your hands now... I'm sorry to make you worry even more"  he cut himself off.

I looked down, I felt bad for him, but I was scared for myself, I was going to go through the same as him except... I will probably die... I shook my head. I was such a pessimist.

Dongju continued to speak to us and comfort us, aswell as prepare ourselves for what was coming.

I was not ready, not at all.

"Apparently they're bringing in a well trained tribute for this year" Dongju spoke again, both me and Seungmin's eyes widened and we looked at him.

"Why?" Seungmin asked "how come he's already trained and everything!?" He was panicking.

"Apparently he was caught doing something illegal in his district, but what it was was ridiculous." Dongju scoffed.

"What did he do..?" I then ask.

Dongju gave us both a look "Let's just say District 9 is homophobic"

Seungmin's eyebrows furrowed "That's all he did!? Be gay!?"

I scoffed "they need to sort that out because they'll soon be chucking people in the games left and right."

Dongju breathed out in an attempt to laugh.

"Thank god no other district is like that." Seungmin rolled his eyes.

Dongju nodded "his name is Han Jisung" he continued

"And how come his boyfriend or whoever he is to Jisung isn't being thrown into the games too?" Seungmin asked to which I nodded,

"Yeah, why?"

Dongju shook his head, sighing softly "it doesn't matter either way, he ended up being picked out anyway"

"Oh" me and Seungmin uttered out, then being interrupted by a loud obnoxious Bora.

"Heeellloooo boooyys" she sung.

Dongju rolled his eyes to us in a playful way, I sighed as Bora babbled on and on about everything hunger games and the interviews.

The interviews... That's all I could think of, I felt panicked, I was going to make a bad Impression and I knew it.

"Woah." I heard a breath in awe and I turned to see what it was about.


The capitol was massive! My eyed wondered around the place and I took the time admiring it

I wish I could say it lasted long, but it didn't, we were soon surrounded by an abundance of people

And then Seungmin and I found ourselves in a luxurious flat, it was a beautiful place I must admit but the fear stayed with me.

There was plenty of things to worry about and one was definitely training with the other tributes and preparing for the games to begin.

We had to make our way to where the training would start.

I was scared, of course I was, seeing everyone else training or just plainly showing off, it showed I didn't have much of a chance.

I was never going to win.

It seems Seungmin felt the same way as he watched everyone else warily. One person really stuck out.

I didn't know any of them, so I wasn't sure of his name, but I did know he was good, it scared me, it scared me a lot, he had blue hair and he had this look about him, kind of like he had given up, but also had the same amount of determination as some other tributes.

He seemed to notice I was staring at him because he smiled and walked over to me "hey, are you the district 12 boys?" He asks, his voice not matching his appearance.

Seungmin nodded "I'm Kim Seungmin"

"And I'm Hwang Hyunjin" I go to shake his hand and he takes it.

"Han Jisung"

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