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"Well, well, well, did you two enjoy the show?" Jongho smiled, cocking his head to the side and walking towards the bush me and Seungmin were hidden behind

We both jumped back quickly

"Stay away!" I threatened, tightening my fist around the knife I was holding

"Ooooh, he's got a weapon" Jongho laughed "try."

"Try what?" Seungmin growled

"Try killing me, obviously" Jongho rolled his eyes "you'll both end up in a puddle of your own blood" he threatened, eyeing us both down

"Absolutely not!" I growl

"Fine, try me, Hwang" he says menacingly

I come at him, and he comes at me

"HYUNJIN WAIT HE HAS A KNIFE!" Seungmin yelled, watching as he pulled out a knife

Jongho looked at me right in the eyes and went to stab me, but it was too late, on impulse, I plunged the knife I was holding in to Jongho's stomach and pulled it out again, blood flicking onto my face. Jongho's eyes widen and he screamed in agony, dropping the knife he was about to swing, he fell to his knees as blood poured from his wound, he put a shaking hand over his chest "I.... Didn't.... Know.... You.... Had.... The.... Guts...." He coughs out, falling completely to the floor and a canon shot momentarily sounding.

"Now that there are only Four tributes left, soon to be three it's about time I announce the situation of the plan the soon to be last three have planned, there is no way all three of you will be making it out here alive, two of you shall perish and there must only be one victor of the Hunger Games!"

A booming voice announced loudly

I look at Seungmin in panic "okay..." I sigh

"I have a plan" we day at the same time.

We both look over to a bush with poison berries "we give eachother poison berries" I say

Seungmin turns back to me, tears glazing his eyes "I won't get to say 'i love you'." He sniffed

"I'm keeping my promise, if you ever die, I'm coming with you, let's give the homophobes what they don't want and let the gay boy in district 9 win this" I say quietly.

Seungmin hesitantly nodded, edging closer to the bush

Little did either of us know of the person who had listened in to all of this.

Jisung's 3rd person POV

After hearing the announced he huffed out in dissapointment, he thought to himself I may as well end it and let the other two figure it out between themselves

He looked at the sky "I'm coming Minho" he says quietly

"Wait, please" a weak voice called.

Jisung turned to the person the voice belonged to, it was Mark Tuan.

Seriously beaten up

"Your friends are planning on killing themselves" Mark manages to utter out

Jisung's eyes widened "I'm sorry, what!?"

"They're just by that big tree" Mark speaks "please, stab me, put me out of my misery" he coughs, his words coming out a mess. He fell to his knees

Jisung's facials soften, he walks towards Mark, putting a hand on his shoulder "No hard feelings?" He asks.

Mark shakes his head, and that was enough for Jisung to stab his knife in Mark's heart. Mark showed a small smile before laying down completely, a canon shot echoed through the forest.

Jisung then ran, he sprinted, he needed to stop Seungmin and Hyunjin from killing themselves, he couldn't be the victor of the Hunger Games, he just couldn't.

He jumped over everything until he reached the big tree.

Hyunjin's POV

I held a poisonous berry to Seungmin's lips as Seungmin did the same for me

"Three..." Seungmin speaks

"Two..." I say, voice shaking

"One" Seungmin gulped

"Eat" I say softly, we both opened our mouths and let the other put the berry in eachother's mouths, Seungmin and I kissed passionately after we swallowed the deadly berries, we were both exhausted, we didn't really think anything through, we just knew this would be the end.

It kicked in fast, my stomach ached and we both ended up throwing up, the side effects were so bad and soon we both collapsed to the floor.

Seungmin moved his hand to mine and squeezed it "it was beautiful while it lasted" he spoke quietly

"I love you" I confessed

"I love you too, Hyunjinnie" and with that, Seungmin's eyes fluttered closed.

Tears left my eyes as I struggled to stay awake, this was it, the end. The end of everything

I'm sorry, mum

I'm sorry, Dongju

I'm sorry, Hwanwoong

I failed everyone

Jisung's 3rd person POV

He was too late, he looked blankly at the two bodies on the floor as two canon shots rung in his ears.

Tears streamed from his eyes, this wasn't meant to happen, he wasn't meant to be the victor

It didn't feel right, and without Minho, without his friends, without the cure for his family, he was alone. Completely alone and now he had to deal with the trauma of this.

He fell to his knees next to them.

They were holding hands, sickly pale, but they seemed at peace.

"At least you stay together" he whispered to them "you did well" he sniffed

"Everyone, I present to you, the winner of the 77th Annual Hunger Games! .... Han Jisung, of District 9"

"No I can't win" he lowered his head "I shouldn't win" he looked at Hyunjin, laid there, motionlessly "you're a nice fella Hyunjin, I'm sorry I let'ch'ya down" tears continued to fall at a steady pace as he took in the scenes around him, everyone he loved was dead or was going to die, why did he have to win? Why not someone with so much hope for the future?

Not the gay boy in District 9.

"This game is a fucking nightmare" he whispered, he had time to himself before he'd be picked up to go home.

He didn't want to go home.

He wanted to be in Minho's arms, he wanted to cry on his shoulder and talk about it with him, he was such a nice listener, he was just such a nice person yet...

He's not here.

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