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I awoke to a loud scream and my eyes flew open, my mind took a while to process where I was again and panic rised through my body. My head snapped around "Jeongin!?" I whisper yell


I got even more scared,


Oh thank god

"I thought you were fucking dead, lord, why didn't you answer quicker," I paused at a canon shot and a shiver coursed through my spine

"- I got scared" I trailed off slowly

Jeongin seemed unfazed and shrugged as the flame from the fire illuminated his face "Who do you think that was?" He asks softly

"I don't know" I whispered back, worry filling my stomach

"I guess we'll find out tomorrow" he muttered, throwing a stick into a nearby bush

"We'll need to move around tomorrow, staying here will only get us killed" Jeongin spoke again, to which I nodded slowly

"That is true... I wish I knew the time" I muttered

"You never know with this place, could be midnight, could be two am, who's counting? All we know is there's light, there's dark, sun goes up, sun goes down, moon shines bright, moon disappears I think that's enough to know roughly" he muttered in a hushed, calm tone

I hummed softly and looked up at the stars scattered across the sky like paint freely speckled against a canvas as the artist explores their work. The sky had always been a canvas, beautiful in every way, even with the full gray clouds that would surround every now and then

Based on where the moon was I could take a rough guess it was past midnight and before four, I must've been asleep for a bit "Hey, Innie, you getting any sleep? I could go on watch"

"Whatever suits you, if you want more rest, close your eyes and I'll stay put" he replied, sitting near the fire and looking up at the sky

"But you need rest too" I insisted

"It's only an offer" he objected before I could say anything "if you're done with resting I won't make any objections as so that I can't sleep" he continued, tapping his finger on his knee

I thought for a minute, sure, I was tired, but I'm sure Jeongin was too.

"Hello? You still with the world?" I heard Jeongin's soft voice cut through my thoughts, once he noticed my eyes on him he smiled "sorry, you spaced out a bit there" he explained, to which I nodded slowly

"Are you tired?" I ask

"Is this going to affect your answer?" Jeongin contradicted

I didn't answer, I just kept my eyes glued on the latter

"I won't answer that question, it's about you, if you're tired go back to sleep, we're not both sleeping because I'd rather not end up like whoever died just now"

Suddenly it hit me

It hit me like a crashing tsunami as it washed away my other thoughts to the back of my head, as I once again remember the boy I had now forgotten about twice


"Oh no..." I spoke, dread laced with my quite voice

"What's up?" Jeongin raised a brow, cocking his head to the side as his eyes landed upon me

"Seungmin" I answered, as if he would understand the thoughts circulating around my mind

"What about him? He's alive right? We saw the list, why wouldn't he be alive?" He asked, I sighed softly in defeat as thoughts continued to drown me

"I promised to stay by his side goddamnit I'm such a bad friend what if it was him that died!?" I panicked, raising my voice, which got Jeongin harshly hissing a 'shhh' at me

"I'm sure he'll come around, we'll see him again, from what I've seen, the guy's intelligent, I'm sure he's got this" Jeongin continued

"He can't do combat" I cried

"Hey, it'll probably be okay" I knew Jeongin wouldn't dare say it would be okay because not even he was sure of the outcome of these damned games.

I can't believe I spoke to Jeongin just a few hours ago about Seungmin then forgot about him again, what if it really was him that was dead? I couldn't bare the thought, and I shook away the negative feeling that crawled around on my skin

"Hey Hyunjin, wanna do something to get your mind off things?" Jeongin asked me softly, understanding to some extent how I felt, his eyes sparked as he looked me in my eyes, he smiled softly

I nodded gingerly, but I could never shake off the bad feeling

I let Jeongin go to sleep afterwards, I just sat there, listing to every single little sound that echoed through this forest, a few birds flew by as I lowered my voice to a -pretty much- whisper as I sung to myself.

Singing helped me through a lot, so did dancing but I wasn't about to dance in a forest where killers are all around somewhere.

I thought about who may've died

Maybe it was Jisung?

No it probably wasn't, Jisung seems too good at this

Thoughts of him at the start came back to me, his dark eye bags settled under his sparkling eyes which, at the same time, gave off a dull vibe, I'm not surprised, the Capitol have put him through hell so far, and it's only going to get worse when he or someone he likes gets hurt

Then I thought about what would happen if Minho was the one who got killed.

Jisung would be in hysterics, he'd be in shambles, any person could tell they were madly in love with eachother and cared deeply for one another.

Their relationship is something special, what they had done to them was wrong, in no way is it right to send someone to killing games for being themselves.

I hated District 9 even more than I already did after hearing everything Dongju said about the place.

Speaking of Dongju, I wonder how he was feeling at this time in the games.

Probably extremely stressed, very overwhelmed and any bad emotion that could describe a human with dear coursing through their veins.

And it described me perfectly too.

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