Chap. 1 First meeting

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"Y/n! Come down please!" I heard my mother calling me. I heard a few other voices that I didn't recognize so I assumed that we had guests. I turned of my Netflix and got up from the bed to change. I put on light makeup, put up my hair in a messy bun and wore the first thing a saw in my closet.

(This is what u wore)

(This is what u wore)

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(Your hair)

I was on my way downstairs when I stopped halfway down the stairs watching those strangers talking with my parents

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I was on my way downstairs when I stopped halfway down the stairs watching those strangers talking with my parents. And who is that?! He looks GOOD! I really hate guests at my house. They never leave! And let's just hope that they will leave soon so I can go back and watc... shit! He saw me. Well you can stop stare now pervert.

"Oh y/n you are finally here. Come and say hi at the guests" my mom said with a happy tone. I walked over to them and sat next to my mother. "This is my lovely daughter Y/n" pff! Lovely?! "And Y/n... this is Mr and Mrs Park and their son Park Jimin. Your fiancé."

Wait... WHAT?!! Did she just said FIANCÉ?! "W-what?! I... d-don't... mom... dad?" I was shocked and waited for my parents to explain what the hell was going on.

Jimin POV

Great. She doesn't even know that we are engaged. Well I didn't know either until this morning and I couldn't say no to my parents bc they have done a lot to me and since this was the only solution for our families to get the chance to work together.

I watched her face while her parents were talking to her and she did not look happy about the news. I guess we both felt the same about this whole situation.

Goooshhh! This is so boring. When are we leaving? I miss my girlfriend. I wish I was with her now instead of sitting here with this boring people and my fiancé that I don't even know. And what's wrong with her hair?! It's so messy. It looks like she just came back from a cat fight.

"Y/n go make some drinks for our guests" her father told her. She got up with a sigh which seemed like I was the only one who heard that. Our parents kept talking and whenever they asked me something I just nod or hummed.

It was finally time to leave and I couldn't be happier. They walked us to the front door and waved at us, well SHE didn't. She just stood there glaring at me like the freak she is and I decided not to wave too. My parents got into their car I got into mine and we drove straight home.

At home

"DAD YOU CANT BE SERIOUS! How can I marry someone I don't even know?! Plus I have a girlfriend!" I said in a pissed voice which I noticed was a mistake

"YOUNG MAN!! Low down your voice when you are talking to me! I'm you father!" he said in an angry voice. My mother came and held my right hand.

"Son... I know this was fast and we didn't even ask you if you were ready for marriage. And it's bc we knew this would be the best for you. Plus she's a beautiful girl. You will learn to love her"

"But I already love someone. I love my girl..." I didn't even get to finish my sentence until my father cut me of.

"You WILL breakup with your girlfriend and marry Y/n! This is for the companies best! And I don't care if you don't love her or if you love someone else! You WILL marry her! UNDERSTOOD?!!" He shouted the last part making me and my mother to flinch.

"Y-yes father" with that I went to my room and closed the door behind me.

I laid on my bed and signed. This stupid bitch is ruining my life and she's gonna regret it! If she didn't agree to this marriage then I wouldn't be in this situation. I'm gonna make her life a living hell.


Hi there! If you're reading this then thanx for reading. I know it's short but please vote.

This first chapter may not be so very good but I promise the story will get better.

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