Chap. 41 Last Night

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The sound of my phone ringing echoed through my head making me slowly open my eyes in irritation. Without opening my eyes I stretched out my right arm to the nightstand trying to reach out for the phone.

"Hello..." I said not even care to look who it was that called.


"Excuse me?" I said and lifted the phone to see who it was but it only showed unknown. The fuck! "who's this?"

"God, I miss that morning voice of yours, kitten.
You sound so sexy." My body immediately shot up after recognizing the voice on the other line. I looked around and was relieved that Jimin wasn't around. He's probobly downstairs.

"How the fuck did you get my number?"

"Good morning to you too, Queen. Oh, and congratulations to the title. How did you like my gift by the way?"

"You're crazy. You know that, right?"

"Alright, so I'm just gonna get to the point. I have a lot to do now. Meet me tomorrow at hotel xxxx 8pm. And come alone."

"What makes you think that I'd do as you say?"

"I'm warning you, kitten. You better show up or you gonna regret it." And with that he just hung up.

This dickhead must think that I'm still his little bitch that he can just boss around!

I threw the phone on the bed in anger. I took a look at my wound and saw that it was bleeding.

Shit. I must have slept on it. Where's Jimin? He needs to help me.

After grabbing my phone again I tried to stand up and walk but almost fell on the ground. My lower body was kinda weak and in pain. With small steps and supporting from the wall I maneged to get out of the room. The stairs took me a while to get down to cause I had to take one step at a time.

I called for Jimin a couple of times but got no respons. The appartment was completly silence.

A sudden sound came from my phone. It was a message from someone without a name. Unknown. After knowing who it was I opened the message, showing a picture of a man enter a café.

"...Jimin..." Another picture popped up with Jimin inside the café-counter making his order. A few seconds later one more picture came up with Jimin making his way to his car.





You see how easy I can get to your man?
It's up to you if you
want you're man to make it back
safe and sound.

Alright, now you listen. If you
EVER lay your filthy fingers on
him I'll reap your fucking face apart.

My anger was raising. I couldn't let anything happened to Jimin. So I had no other choice than to agree to meet him tomorrow evening. I would'n be able to forgive myself if something happened to Jimin knowing that i could prevent it.

I sat at the end of the stairs looking at the front door for almost 10 minutes waiting for the love of my life to walk through it. As each minute passed I started to get nervous.

What if something really happened to him?! Did Jackson get to him even though I agreed to meet him?

The front door opened after a bipping sound revealing Jimin. He looked a little surprise for seeing me there by the stairs.

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