Chap. 43 Not give a fuck

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Arthur POV

After putting her daughter to bed she went and sat at the backyard looking at the stars that were shining so clearly in the sky.

A certain boy was in her mind not giving her rest. She knew exactly how she felt but still didn't wanna accept her feelings, afraid of what people may say.

She was so deep in her thoughts until they were interrupted by a voice that called out for her.

"Hey Lisa." She turned her head around and smiled at you.

"Hey. How are you feeling... with your arm?"

"It's getting better. Thanks." You said and took a seat next to her on the hanging sofa at the backyard.

"I have to be honest with you. I had never done that before." Lisa said not looking at you. You turned to her with a confused face before it clicked and you gasped dramatically.

"What?! You could've killed me!"

Lisa quickly turned to you with her whole body and held your arm with a nervous look.

"I-I'm sorry I lied! P-please don't get m-mad at me! I-I just wanted t-to help you! You were..."

You suddenly couldn't hold yourself and started to laugh. She looked so cute. Lisa looked at you with big eyes not knowing how to react to your sudden outburst.


"Oh god. You should have seen you face." You said between you chuckles. "Listen Lisa. I'm not mad at you. I don't care if you have done it before or not. I'm just thankful that you helped me. So don't worry about it. Okey?"

"Woah, I really got scared there for a moment."

"What? Am I that scary?!" You said and squeezed you face and tilting your head to the side trying to look cute. Lisa started to laugh.

"Well how the he'll I'm I supposed to know? You're a mafia queen and beside you've not been in the best mood today."

"Yeah you right. But you don't have to be scared of me. I would never hurt my close friends."

You gave her a warm smile which she also returned to you. A sudden thought came across you making smirk and eyed the girl who was looking at the night sky next to you.



"Do you perhaps like Lucas?" Her eyes widen after hearing your sudden question. She froze, not knowing what to say.

"W-what? N-no I... d-don't... w-what makes y-you think that?" She stuttered, getting nervous.

"We talked yesterday and he may have mentioned something from your little road-trip."

"..... oh..." Lisa looked at the opposite side from you not wanting you to see her burning face. 

"Com'on don't be shy. You can tell me. I don't mind if you like my brother." She gave you a shy smile.

"Well... I... I do... like him."

"So are you guys like... secretly dating or something?"

"No. Not really. Well I don't know. I told him that what happened was a mistake. I think that I was trynna convince myself that I didn't feel anything about him. But that didn't go so well. Do you think it's weird?"

"What's weird?"

"That I... may have feelings for a guy who literally kidnapped me and locked me up in a house in the middle of nowhere."

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