Chap. 48 His child

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"I what?"

"You were gone for two months, Jimin. The ambulance you were taken in was gone missing for a couple of hours before the police found it on a empty road in the middle of nowhere. Once you were taken to the hospital you had surgery but then you wouldn't wake up after that. The doctors said that you must have been injected with something that put you in some kind of coma. There was nothing they could do than to wait for you to wake up on your own and they didn't know how long it would take for you. You could either woken up a couple of weeks later, months or even a year."

Jimin knew exactly what kind of injection he was talking about. He remembers everything as if it all just happened yesterday.

"And there's one more thing." Taehyung said. The boys were now sure that he would react impulsive. Everyone prepared themselves.

"We haven't been able to find Y/n since the accident. We don't even know how she's doing or if... she's even alive."

"But don't worry! We're still searching for her." Jhope added.

But to their surprise Jimin didn't even react. He just sat there looking at them.

"Please get out. I want to be alone right now."

"But didn't you hear wh..." Taehyung shut his mouth after receiving a death glare from Jimin.

"Get. Out." Taehyung gulped before dragging his fiancé out of the room with the boys following after. Except for one. Yoongi.

Once the door was shut Yoongi went and sat down on a chair that was next to the bed. Jimin was still angry but he didn't mind Yoongi staying. He just didn't want everyone to see him. In case he started to cry. Which he felt he was close to.

"You know where she is, don't you?" He said looking at the now lifeless looking guy on the bed. Seconds passed but got no response from his younger brother.

"I'm not leaving until you talk. So just take your time. If I'm gonna need to stay here all day and all night, then so be it."

Yoongi made himself more comfortable on the chair. Arm crossed, one leg on top of the other, leaned his head back on the chair and closed his eyes.

He wasn't planning to leave his brother any time soon. He will stay until Jimin speaks to him. Like they've always done. He knew Jimin more than anybody else. Probably more than Jimin himself.

All his dislikes, things he loved, his weaknesses, his strength. Everything, Yoongi knew about them. Cause he has always been there for him since Jimin was 4 years old. Whenever Jimin was sad, happy, angry, frustrated or just needed to talk, he would always go to his hyung.

"Hyung..." a low shaking voice could be heard. Yoongi shut his eyes open immediately. Silence tears run down Jimins cheeks. And even though Jimin had his back turned to Yoongi, he knew that the younger was crying.

"Jimin..." he hurried to the other side of the bed and hugged the crying boy tight. "Please talk to me. It hurts seeing you like this."


"Yes Jimin."

"I-it's not mine...... it never was." He said between his sobs.

"What wasn't yours?" Yoongi asked not knowing what the younger meant.

It was quiet for a couple of seconds. Jimins sniffing had stopped. Only his heavy shaking breath could be heard.

"The baby isn't mine, hyung." He started, still being held in his hyungs embrace. Then he told him everything that happened. And since he remembered everything so clearly he didn't miss a single detail.

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