Chap. 6 What's that on your neck?

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Once we arrived at the company he parked the car in the garage that was connected to the building. We took the elevator up to the 7th floor and got out. There were a lot of workers working at their desk and a few office cabin which I assumed were for higher people like Jimin.

"Jimin-ssiiii!" Someone called behind us when we were walking to on of the cabins. We both turned around and saw two handsome men walking towards us. They were at the wedding but I never got a chance to talk them. Well just one of them. His name was Jungkook I think.

 His name was Jungkook I think

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Jimin POV

"Good morning Jin-hyung. Morning Ju..."

"Kookie right?!" Y/n cut me of and pointed at Jungkook with a smile. Kookie?!! Wth! He never let strangers call him that. Only people close to him. And she is not!

"Kookie?" I asked her with a questionable face and looked at both her and Jungkook.

"Oh yes. We met at the wedding when she walked into me and then we had a little chat and..."

"Alright let's take that story time for another day. We have work to do." I cut Kookie of.

"Hi I'm Kim Seokjin. You can call me World Wide Handsome or just Jin!" Oh great now this will take a while.

"Hi I'm Y/n." She said and they shake hands.

"I know. I was at your wedding." Then they both chuckled.

"Well it was nice to see you guys but I have to meet Mr Park before I start working here."

"You are going to work with us?!" Wth, why is he so happy. It's not like she's a celebrity or sum.

"Yeah yeah we have to go now Y/n my father is waiting for you." And just when we were about to leave Jungkook called after me.

"Jimin-ssiiii?" Oh god what now?! I turned around and so did Y/n.

"Yes Jungkook?"

"What's that on your neck?" He asked concern and with a low voice. All three of them were now looking at my neck with their eyes widen. I didn't know what to tell him. He was our little innocent maknae who didn't know this kind of stuff.

"Aigo aigo! Time flies fast when you have fun huh?! Jungkook you come with me! We have a lot to do!" Jin spoke saving me from an explanation.


"No buts here! Y/n it was nice to talk to you but we have a lot of work to do today and it wouldn't be good if you keep Mr Park wait for you on your first day, am I right?!"

"Yeah you're righ..."

"Well then good luck and see you around. Bye bye!" And with that he drugged Jungkook with him and left. Y/n gave me an angry look then we walked to my fathers office. I didn't even bother to knock and just walked in.

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