Chap. 42 Offer

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"Jimin stop. I need to go." I tried to get rid of the boy who was clinging on to me like a baby.

"Come on. Just a quick fuck. I know you want to." He whispered to me before continuing kissing my neck leaving hickeys everywhere.

"Aish! You horny boy." I managed to turned to him have him a kiss. But that seemed like a bad idea. Two seconds later we started to make out and it didn't seem like he was planning to pull away any time soon.

"Be safe when you're out there. That dickhead still wanna get to you." He said after pulling away. "Com'on hurry up and go."

I stood still even though he let go of me.

"What? Why aren't you going? Didn't you say you don't wanna be late?"

"I love you Jimin."

"I love you too baby. Alright just go now before I change my mind."

Right when I was about to leave our room a smack echoed behind me making me jolt forward and continuing with a sharp pain on my left butt cheek.

"Ahhh! Fuck Jimin!" I shouted at him while rubbing my butt where I'm sure he now left a print from the slap.

This motherfucker just slapped me?!!

I turned to him glaring at him. And the audacity this boy have to just stand there looking at me with those innocent eyes like a ten year old boy.

"You lucky you cute asshole!"

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"You lucky you cute asshole!"

"Sorry I couldn't help it." He said and giggled.


Arthur POV

You entered the building with confidence. It was a bar with an hotel above it. There were guards everywhere in black suits standing inside and outside.

As you were walking towards the man that was sitting alone by the counter you noticed that there was not even a single person there except for him and the guards.

"This better be important. I don't have time to waste it here with you." You said as you took a seat next to him not even looking him in the face.

"I didn't think you would actually show up." He chuckled as he took a sip from his drink. There was a plate with some sweets that had sticks on in front of the two of you. "Here, have some. I got your favorite."


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