Chap. 45 Baby

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Two weeks later

Jimin POV

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling that the spot next to me was empty. I was alone on the bed. Where's she? I got up and robbed my eyes so that I could see clearer in the dark room. But when I looked around there was no sign of her.

Did she left? Did she go and see him? In the middle of the night? No no no no. She'd never do such thing without telling me. She always tells me when she's of to go and see him. Is she perhaps in the bathroom? Let's go check.

Suddenly the bathroom door openes and there she was. I felt so relieved after seeing her.

"Oh..." she said surprised after seeing that I sat up on the bed. "Did I wake you up?" I shook my head.

She walked over to and stood in front of me cupping my cheeks. "Then why are you up?"

"I was looking for you. I thought that you left me here and went to see him."

"Ohh baby. I'm right here." She brought my head to her chest and hugged me. "Com'on let's sleep. We have a big day tomorrow."

She laid down on the bed and I went to lay on top of her hugging her waist. Her fingers found its way to my hair and started playing with it. Seconds later I was off to dreamland.


Y/n sat at the desk getting herself ready as I sat by the bed watching her. She wore the dress I bought for her and tried to get some jewelry to fit it with. She looked so pretty!! And hot! Ughh!!

(The dress)

She then turned to me with a blank face

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She then turned to me with a blank face. It looked like she was deep in her thoughts. She came up to me and sat in front of me on the bed.

"W-what is it? What's wrong? Don't you like the dress?" I said nervously. "H-have... have I done something... wrong?"


"Yes, pumpkin?"

"There's something we've never talked about. And I really would like for us to talk about it." She said looking down while playing with my fingers.

It became quite and I didn't know what to say cause I had no idea what she wanted to talk about. I looked at her and she looked so shy. She didn't even look at me.

"So what is it that you wanna talk about?" I asked her trying to make eye contact with her, which didn't go so well.

"Kids." She finally looked up at me.

I was taken aback by the subject she wanted to talk about. I imagined everything else except for that. It became silent, AGAIN.

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