Chap. 4 The companies was an excuse

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Jimin POV

(One week later)

I woke up by Y/ns alarm ringing. I covered my ears and waited for her to wake but nothing. Took my pillow and covered my ears with so I could go back to sleep but that didn't work either.

How can this potato sleep by that sound?! "Yaa! Wake up and turn of that fricking alarm! I'm trying to sleep here!!" But she didn't even move an inch. Is she even alive. I tried to shake her a little but nothing. Aish this idiot!

I tried to to reach for the alarm on her side of the bed but my hand was to short. I had to be over her to reach the alarm. And just when I turned it off she started to move under me. I watched her sleeping figure underneath me. She looked so innocent and peaceful and beaut... and like a potato!

Just when I was about to get back to my side of the bed, she hugged me, pulling me closer to her under me. I tried so hard not to let my body fall on top of her or to put to much weight on her. We stayed like this for a few minutes and I didn't know what to do. She wasn't waking up. I was starting to get tired in my arms so I decided to just lay on top of her. Don't even ask me why I did that... oh well... I said I was getting tired so... yeah.

I placed my head on her chest and I could feel her breast on the side of my face. I tried not to think about that so I listen to her heartbeat. It was so calming to listen to. Without me being aware of my actions I found myself hugging her back. It felt nice listening to her heartbeats. It felt nice being in her embrace. And soon I drifted off on top of her.


I woke up again by Y/n starting to move. The sun was hitting my face through the windows and I slowly opened my eyes. I found myself still on her so I quickly got up and got away from her before she woke up.

"Ugh!" She said before sitting up with her feet down and back facing me. Before she could stand up her phone rang. What is it with people calling her in the morning?

"Good morning mom!" I could hear her trying to not sound sleepy. "No no I was awake." Such a liar. She sat quite on the bed, probably getting scolded by her mother cause she knew she was lying. She turned around to look at me and I immediately closed my eyes pretending I was asleep. "Jimin... h-he's not in the room. I'll have him talk to you later." This bitch! What a liar! I got up and took the phone from her.

"Hi Mrs Kim! I haven't gone anywhere. I'm in the room." I looked at Y/n and she looked pissed which made me glad. "Actually Y/n doesn't want us to talk to each other."

"Jimin is everything alright? I mean between you and Y/n?" Her mother asked me.

"Everything is perfect. Let me worry about Y/n. She's indeed a bit spoiled but I will handle her." Y/n was now giving me a death glare.

"Well I wanted to asked you guys if you were free this evening bc I wanted you two to came over and have dinner here at my place. I even contacted your parents and they said they would come. So it would mean really much to me if you two could come." Ohh god! Why would you invite my parents?!

"Sure we will be there don't worry. What time is the dinner?"

"It's 6pm."

"Alright then see you there Mrs Kim." We said our goodbye and hang up. I looked around the room and didn't se her so I assumed that she went downstairs.

 I looked around the room and didn't se her so I assumed that she went downstairs

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