Chap. 39 Gun wound

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"Y/n we need to get you to the hospital!"

"No. I can't go there. He knows that I got shot. It would be too risky."

"But your wound needs to be treated. You're losing a lot of blood." She was right.

It was too far to drive to the base. The safest and nearest place was my apartment. But I had nothing to treat my wound with there.

"I know what to do." A voice said behind me. I watched her through the mirror. "Drop me of at the hospital."

15 minutes later I parked a bit from the hospital. I really hope that this goes well. I turned off the car and turned around.

"Are you sure about this?" I whispered to her because I didn't wanna wake Mina who had slept once again on the 40 minutes ride.

"Do we have a better plan?" She asked as she was preparing to go outside.

"Okay so if they happened to come here to the hospital by now then we will only have about... seven minutes max."

"Don't worry I know what I need to take so I'll just grab it and get out."

"And what if something goes wrong? None of us have a phone." She blinked a few times and looked at me innocently.

"Heh, I haven't thought that far." I starred back at her. Is she for real?! "We'll just go from there. Now I'll go cuz we are waisting time." She opened the door and left towards the entrance of the hospital.

Minutes passed and I started to panic a little. It's been almost 8 minutes now. Why isn't she coming back? Did something happen? Did they caught her?

As I was looking on my left to see if I could spot any of Jackson's men, someone knocked at the window on the passenger seat. I panicked and pulled out my gun towards the person.

I sigh of relief as I saw who was standing there. Lisa. I unlocked the door and she got in on the passenger seat.

"You look pale. And weak."

"Yeah tell me about it." I said and started the car.

"So I got everything we need and... sorry for taking so long."


I was laying on the bed watching Lisa setting up things that she took from the hospital on the nightstand.

"Do you even know what you're doing?" I asked her.

"Yeah... I went to medical school. I've done this before..." She said tying up her hair.

Okay this is good. She knows what she's doing.

"Ehm so I couldn't get any anesthesia. Sorry." My eyes widen after hearing her.

"WHAT? So we're gonna do it just like this?!"

"I'm sorry but it's not just something you can get just like that. They kept them in a another room which I couldn't have access to. And I also didn't have much time cause..."

"It's okay." I said and placed my hand on her arm after seeing that she started to panic a little. "Let's just get it over with.

"But you're too weak. You have lost a lot of blood. You way pass out."

"Do we have another option? You said yourself that we need to get it out or I may get an infection and that I wouldn't heal properly. So just do it."

After that none of us said anything. She gave me a small rolled towel that I placed in my mouth so that I had something to bite when I started to scream.

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