Chap. 20 What about my cuddles

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Jimin POV

I entered the house and started to look for Y/n. As I walked passed the dining room I saw the maid set the table for three persons.

"What's this? Why are you setting up for three people?" I asked them.

"Oh Good evening sir. Mrs Park told us to do so."

"Where is she?"

"She's in the room getting dressed, sir." Dressed? Are we having a guest over or what?

I turned and was on my way upstairs but stopped on the second stair as I saw Y/n on her way down. She wore a short blue dress. Like... really short.

(This is your dress)

(This is your dress)

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"You're home. That's good cause I've been waiting for you." The hell!

She walked passed me and went to the living room with me following her.

"What's going on Y/n? Are you going out? Alone? In that dress?" She turned around and walked over to me. She still has that creepy smile on her face.

"Why? Do you like it?"


"Are you hungry? I've made food. You should go and take a shower and then come back down. I'll wait for you." What has gotten into her?


"Y/n can we talk now?" I said and sat a bit next to her on the couch

"Sure" she said and put her phone down. She put her right leg over her left and waited for me to speak. Her face went blank.


"I'm listening." Just shut up and let me speak!

"I'm sorry for what I said yesterday at the office I wasn't thinking clearly when I took out everything on you. Cause I know you went to your apartment that day and not at the office. And... thank you for talking to Mr Ben. Would you... please forgive me? We are friends after all, right?"

She didn't say anything and just looked at me with a blanked face. After a few seconds she reached her hand to my face and put some hair on my forehead to the side.

"I'm glad you've realized that." She said still fixing with my hair. Can she at least smile a little like she did before?!

"Can I ask you something tho?"


"Why did you help me? Why did you do that? Even though I accused you for doing it."

"Didn't you say that we were friends? Friends are supposed to help each other no matter what. Not accusing them for things you heard from someone else without confirm it yourself." She stood up in front of me and looked down at me.

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