Chap. 26 Couldn't save them

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"You did?" I asked him. He nodded and gave me a smile. "Did you meet them?"

"Yeah. Well... only my sister. But she didn't know who I was."

I didn't know what to tell him or do. His eyes still looked a bit puffy like he had cried. But he somehow still managed to give me a smile. He was so cute I just wanted to give him a hug.

"Is that why you cried?" He looked away while taking a deep breath and stood up.

"You should eat. You haven't been eating properly for days now." I could tell he didn't wanna talk about it of his sudden change of subject.

"Why are you being nice to me?" I asked him as he made his way towards his seat.

"I have my reasons. Now hurry up and eat."

It was quite for a while while we were eating. I was so hungry it felt like a could eat a whole elephant. I was so into the food I didn't realize he was looking at this whole time, until I looked up to him and raised an eyebrow at him.


"Ehm... so listen. I have arranged some things for you so you can leave. I have a house in the mountains where you can stay. And..."

"How can I believe that this is not one of your traps?" I cut him off.

"If I wanted you dead then you've been dead right now. Let me just help you and beside... it's not like you have anything to return to. If he really cared for you he would have tried to come and rescue you. But he didn't. And neither did your friends. It's been a bit over a week now."

He was right. None of them cared for me. Not even my best friends of 10 years. And why do I feel like I can trust this boy? He hasn't hurt me till now and have taken care for me for the past few days. He gave me food behind Jennies back when they kept me there. And now he took me here without her knowing.

The least I can do is to trust him, right? It's not like I have anything to lose.

Half an hour later I was ready to leave and went to his room. The door was a bit open so I just made my way in without thinking.

The view in front of me made me stop my movements. He was... naked! Well not exactly naked. He had his pants on and was taking his shirt over his head.

My eyes automatically went to his upper body. He had a good body and a... tattoo right at the left side of his chest. Almost where the heart is. It was not very big but it was in cursive so I couldn't figure out what it said. Maybe it was a name...

"You done starring?" He smirked as he pulled his short down.

Shit! This is embarrassing! "I-I was j-just... the door was open. Sorry." I said felling my face getting warm as I looked down. He just chuckled.

"Are you ready to leave?"


He lead me to the garage and we went in to his car. He drove to my apartment since I told him I had to get some things before we leave.

I walked in my dark apartment and turned the lights on. Something on the kitchen counter caught my attention. It was a present. A present a bought weeks ago for his birthday.

I walked away from the present and made my way to my room as I could feel my eyes watering. I grabbed a bag and just put in some clothes and things I would need.

After about 20 minutes I made my way back to the car and he drove away. I was so tired so I slept through the whole ride.

I woke up by someone tapping me on the shoulder. My eyes slowly shut open and saw Lucas standing at my door as I was still in the car.

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