Chap. 10 Nightmare

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Jimin POV

I was in my office working when I started thinking about what Y/n told me a few days ago. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that someone was calling my name.

"Don't you know how to knock?" I said coldly.

"I knocked but you didn't respond so..."

"Probably it's bc I don't wanna be disturb. What are you doing here?" I said without looking at the person since I knew who it was.

"Nothing... I just missed you and wanted to see you."

"Since you've already seen me you can leave now. I'm busy." Before she could say something the door opened again and the person came in.

"Haven't I warned you about coming in here?! And why doesn't anyone know how to fucking knock?!" I was mad.

I hate when other disturb me when I'm in the middle of my work. And the only people who can enter without knocking is my three best friends. Jungkook, Yoongi-hyung and Jin-hyung.

"I don't give a fuck about what you said. There's something that I need from you." She said and started to walk over to my desk to were I sat.

"Yaa Y/n! Can't you see we were...!" Y/n placed her right hand in front of Jennies Face while walking through her making her shut. I was so shocked that Y/n was the first woman to shut Jennie up, but I didn't show it. Every other woman in this building was kinda afraid of her. But not Y/n. It was almost funny.

"Excuse me but who do you think you are?!!" Jennie was mad. But Y/n didn't even seem to care. She stood in front of my desk handing me over a file.

"I need your signature here." I took the file, read it through quick, signed and handed it back to her.

"Now leave."

"As if I would want to spend another second in here." Y/n said and with that she turned her hills and was about to leave but Jennie stopped here.

"Can I help you Jennie?" Y/n said with a done face.

"Who do you think you are to just shut me like that?! Huh? Do you know who I am?!" Jennie said with anger. I just sat there not care to interrupt. Y/n let out a chuckle and took a few small steps closer Jennie.

"I thought you knew by this time who I am. Well then let me introduce myself. Again. My name is Park Y/n. As in Jimins wife. And to be honest I don't really give a fuck about who you are. Listen here Jennie... I don't have anything against you. So if you want Jimin then he's all yours but let's make one thing clear. I don't like being interrupted when I'm talking to my husband. Got it?"

And with that Y/n made her way out. Jennie was speechless. I wanted to laugh so bad.

"Did you see that babe?! She was so rude!" She said pissed.

"Don't worry about her, ok? And you should get back to work before Jin-hyun..."

"PENNIE!! How did I know that you were in here? Why aren't you at your desk?! And where are the files I gave you?!" Jin-hyung shouted at her.

"Can't you just give me a break? I'm talking to my boyfriend. And the files are done. You can go and get them yourself at my desk." Jennie eye-rolled at Jin-hyung.

"You ugly Pennie!! You are my assistant! Which means you are the one to bring me those file! And how dare you to talk to your boss with that attitude of yours?!!" Jennie turned to me and spoke.

"Babe! Did you hear that?! He just called me ugly!"

"Probably bc it's a fact. Now move your ugly ass before I give you more work and you will spend the night here."

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