Chap. 29 I made breakfast

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Me and Lucas walked in to my house after 2h of driving in the night. The house was dark and didn't show any signs of a living soul. So I turned on the lights and we almost went blind by the brightness of the house.

"Wow. Nice house." He said.

"Thanks. Com'on I'm gonna show you where you can sleep." I said and started to walk towards the stairs. He grabbed his bags and followed me.

"Are you sure I can stay here with you? I mean... would Jimin be okay with me here? Cause that man hates me. And you know it." I stopped walking and turned around to him.

"Listen. You're gonna stay here with me either you like it or not. I'm not letting you live all alone at the mountains. I made a promise to you, remember? And don't worry about Jimin. If he has a problem with you then he just have to deal with me. Don't smile! I'm still mad at you."

I showed him to one of the guest rooms that was upstairs. He dropped his bags on the bed and looked around.

"Nice. So where's your room?" He asked me.

"It's at the other end of the house." He nodded and we just looked at each other. "If you're hungry you can just order something. I won't be home until I found him. So you have the house for yourself. The maids will be here in the morning and if you want breakfast just tell them."

Suddenly he come to me and hug me. I was a bit surprised and didn't know what to do.

"Thank you, Y/n. For accepting me into your life." He said and let go.


I entered my apartment and looked around. There was beer bottles everywhere. Especially in the kitchen and living room. He has been here?

"Jimin!" I called after him and started to go around the house. But couldn't find him anywhere. He's not here. Where could he be? At Jin's?

I was standing in the bedroom when something came across my mind.


"I think it would be better if you go to her... Jimin." A tear found its way out of my eyes and fell down on my cheek. Jimin looked down at the ground as he nodded in tiny.

He then looked up at me with his sparkling eyes and said "yeah... I think so too." in a low tone.

End of flashback

"No... no..." I covered my mouth and started to cry. I sat down beside the bed and hugged my knees. "He's alive. He's still alive, Y/n. Don't think too much."

I kept on crying as the worst thoughts run through my head.

"Y/n?" A voice suddenly makes me look up with my teary eyes.

"J-Jimin..." I immediately got up and went to hug him as my tears kept on falling. My hands were wrapped around his neck as I had my head in his neck too. A few seconds later his hands found its way around my body and hugged me back.

"I-I thought... you were..." I let go of him and looked him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean what I said. I didn't know she was dead. I..." he placed his index finger in front of my lips to stop me from talking.

"Shhh" he whispered as he connected our foreheads. "I'm here now."

"Come here." He said and lifted my body up. I wrapped my legs around him and he went and sat on the bed.

I looked down at him as I sat on his lap with my legs still around him. "Wanna know something?"

He wiped away my tears and spoke. "What?" He said in a low voice. I buried my face on his neck and hold on to him tight taking in his scent. Which I missed.

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