Chapter 3

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Stay away from my friends

[Copper house]

~Betty's POV~

When I reached home I thought nobody was there in the house . I was on phone while going upstairs and I bumped into jughead .     B-'' watch it asshole!!!"            J-'' hey you are the one is looking at the phone and walking.''    we both roll our eyes. After that I saw fangs coming down. B-'' what the hell is he doing here?''         F-'' hey betty , what are you doing here.''        B-'' i live here.'' Fangs was about to say something but jughead interrupet him.    J-''how do you two know each other''     F-'' Last summer  we spent a night together.''    J-'' wow , now that is something intresting.''   he said while smirking and I rolled my eyes.      B-'' but why the hell he is here?''     Fangs was about to say something when jughead said .              J-'' that's none of your busnessies. " he said looking at me    J-"And fangs you can leave now .'' He said looking at  Fangs   . F-'' ok boss.''    Than Fangs leave . And jughead was going in his room , when I stoped him and said .     B-'' hey from next time don't call your friends here .''       J-'' why . because your parents will know that there  lovely daughter has spend her whole summer  fucking guys.''    he said with a evil smile.     B-''No!!!! because these is my fucking house. And don't you dare tell them anything.''      J-'' oh why , what will do if I tell them your little dirty seceret.''    He said with an evil simle on his face .     B-'' Oh , you don't know what I can do Jughead Jones."   I said went into polly's room. 

[Few hours later]

After few hours of that I got a call from kevin . B-'' hey kev , what's up .''  K-'' hey betty , I think we should meet at pops and to disscuss about our assignment .'' B-'' yeah sure, at what time?"   K-'' right now.''   B-'' ok I am coming.''    K-'' ok I am waiting here for you .''    B-''ok bye'' Than I hung up the phone and grabbed my jacket and left for pops.

This was my outfit

This was my outfit

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[ At pops]

When I reached at pops I saw jughead and veronica sitting together. I was staring them , when kevin called me from behind .  K-''hey betty.''   I walked to kevin and sat besides him.   B-'' Is this is only me or you are also thinking why jughead and veronica are setting together.''   K-'' yeah at first I also thought that ,then I remeber that they are each others partners for the assignment.''     B-''yeah right." I said while staring them . Then kevin started to disscus about the assignment we got . But I was not paying attention to that I was thinking about veronica and jughead and I was continously staring them. After some time veronica started to flirt with him and touching his hands and jughead was flirting back . I felt like something is wrong going on there.I was not jealous,  I was concerned  about veronica  because I know jughead  is a player  and he didn't care about her , he just want to have sex with her.
Few more minutes jughead got a call and he ran out of the pops and hop on his  motorcycle and drive away . And after that veronica left  too. After disscusing kevin and I also went home.

[At copper house]

I opened the door and was going upstaries when my dad stopped me . H-''BETTY WAIT!!!!!!!'' I went to him and saw that he ws drunk and I knew what is going to happen . B-'' yes dad.'' I said in a scared voice. H-'' where were you? you are late.'' B-'' I was at pops with kevin dissusing our assignment and I am only 5 mins late..'' he slapped me and I fall on the ground. H-'' this will remind you shouldn't be late .''  He went inside his room and I got up with hand on my cheek and went straight up on the roof and started to somke. When ever my father hit me I always come up on the roof start to somke or drink and listen some songs. I know that it is a bad habit  but that is the only way I control  my pain and anger. Sometimes I also go to sweetwater river and sit there in peace . I have this anger in me but I control it .
After few hours standing on roof I was going in polly's room when I saw jughead, I went in his room and said B-'' what the hell were you  doing with veronica.''    J-'' how do you know  that I was with veronica?''  B- '' I saw you with her at pops , now answer the damn question , what were you doing with her?''   J-''that's none of your bussines .''    B-'' oh it's my bussines because she is my best friend and I don't want you to hurt her..''  J-''Ohhhhh, now I get it you are jealous.'' he said while teasing me .   B-''JEALOUS MY FOOT.''  I said with attitude.  J-Then what's your problem.''  I go closer to him and said .    B-'' Listen Jughead Fucking Jones do whatever you want but don't you dare hurt my friends or else I'm going to kill you .''   I glare at him and strom out of his room and went in polly's room .

~Jughead's POV~

B-" Listen Jughead Fucking Jones do whatever you want but don't you dare hurt my friends or else I'm going to kill you .''   Saying  that she stromed out of my room . Who the fuck she thinks  she is . And I'm not the only one who was flirting  veronica started flirting  at first . And  I exactly  know what she wants .  And I'm definitely  not scared of betty .  I know she just said that just to threaten me . What would she do Huh?!!


Hey guys, sorry I know its  a short chapter  but I'm still working  on it .
I hope you like it .❤❤

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