Chapter 23

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(*Not edited*)

Lance's POV

I was getting sick of the stupid ocean. I mean I love Enid, dont get me wrong, but after being in a small boat with a woman maniac, two earily mute guards, and a drunken idiot rat that was way too obsessed with Frieda for two days straight, you start to get a little fed up. Why would Sage just let me up there on V with her? And what was with Sage last night? Was she okay? I absent mindedly fingered the small scabs that had formed from where Frieda had grabbed me.

I admit, bringing Frieda was a bad move. But what can I say? I was...distracted, and extremely foolish. Manipulated if you will. Ren just couldnt see that he was too being manipulated. And I could talk to him about it since we got in the boat since the woman in question was literally a foot away.

I sit at the bow of the boat, we had periodically shifted seats during the 48 hour ride. The two guards sit on the bench in front of me.  Frieda was asleep at the back of the boat, sprawled out on the last bench. Ren sat on the top of the back side of the boat. At least the maniac was asleep so it was finally silent.

With a grunt I sit back against my side of the boat, my numb legs and stiff back aching with the slight movement. I rest my arms on the sides of the boat as I hang my head back, looking into the sky. My hair falls back out of my face. From where I was I could see the tail of the dragon pulling us along. I wonder how Sage is doing? I hope V isnt too tired. Who am I kidding? He's probrably exhausted. But still we've found no land. I close my eyes and breath deeply the salty air I had grown accustom to. I had only gotten a few winks of sleep throughout the trip, not being able to rest knowing something is going on with Sage. But maybe now, if I really try I can...

"Phew wow! That was an aammmazing sleep! Hehe. How are you holding up Renny?" I internally grown at the sound of Frieda's voice. She had to wake up now, didn't she? Now theres no hope of sleep.

I opt to try and pray for a second. Please goddesses, Enid, Cato, let there be land soon. Please.

~   ~   ~

"LAND HO!" Sage shouts from up high. I'm jolted awake at the sound. When did I fall asleep? I whip around to face the front, seeing a large looming dot on the horizon. The boat shakes violently as Frieda pushes over everyone, including me, to see up front. I glare at her under her palm that pushes directly on my nose.

Not long later the island was right in front of us. Straight cliffs jutted from the ocean, expanding 100 feet up. I had to crane my head almost completely back to see the top. As the boat bumped the rocks the island had blocked out the sun, casting us in dark shadows as dark as midnight.

Without a word Sage dropped the rope connected V to the boat, and I immdiatly grabbed onto the nearest rock and tied the rope around it, though it was tempting to let Frieda and her posse float out into sea as beautiful as she may be. And how did her hair stay absolutely perfect after two days of nonstop sailing? Disney princess voodoo magic is what it is.

V hovered down, grabbing me by the torso with his claws and barely grabbing Frieda's color with the tip of his talon. Ren scampered up his leg and he lifted us up towards the top of the island. I grabbed tightly onto V, scrunching my toes up as I stared at the extremely large drop below me. V drops us a small distance from the ground, Frieda a little higher than me, and waited for Ren ti jump off and wordlessly Sage and V dived back down for the guards.

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