Chapter 3

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Before we get started I wanna say this, all of the chapters will be from Sage's pov unless told otherwise at the beginning. Okay I've left you long enough off of that cliff hanger, let's get into it.

Sage's POV

I brace for impact as the silhouette of the dragon barrels towards us. I'm ready for the weight of the dragon on top of me. The pain of talons digging into my skin and teeth ripping into my flesh.

Yet it never comes.

With my eyes closed, I hear the thump of its feet run past me and fade away as it hits grass. I slowly open my eyes and look over to my shoulder. Renate looked traumatized. I cautiously make my way out of the cave. Once I am out in the open again I search for the dragon.

It doesn't take a detective to find it.

It cowers behind a tree, the tree doing little to protect it from sight. It was standing up, but it was hunched over slightly. I gathered that at full height the average person would come to about the dragons shoulder. And by the way it blended in to the shadows of the trees so well, I knew it was a dark color.

It looked...scared. No, terrified.

I coo to it and move closer.

"What are you doing?!" Renate whisper-yells to me.

"Trying to calm it down. The poor thing is terrified." I reply.

"Are you serious!? That 'poor thing' is a dragon! It wont hesitate for a second to tear you apart then use my body as a toothpick. You cannot get near that thing!" He says.

"Oh come on. If it wanted to eat us it would have done it before, not run around us to go hide behind a tree." I say, raising an eyebrow at him. I would have been just as freaked out as Renate, but after becoming acquaintances with a talking rat, nothing really surprises me anymore.

I inch closer to the cowering figure.

"Hi there," I say softly, as if talking to a scared puppy. "My name is Sage. This is Renate. We aren't going to hurt you. I promise. Just come on out, its okay."

The dragon slowly, cautiously comes out of the shadows. He is the most magnificent creature I have ever seen.

I was right about how tall it was, and its scales were dark grey. It had large horns on its head, and spines trailing down its neck and back, all black tipped with purple. I notice how one of its horns seem to be broken towards the base. Its eyes were big, they were a hypnotizingly beautiful purple color and I notice how its pupils seem to be dilating sideways, like a cats. It walks on all fours and has a long tail, of which is tipped with what looks to be a scorpion-like tip. It has many small scars of what are a mixture of bite marks and scratch marks. There is a giant one running from the base of it's broken horn to just behind the shoulder. The underside of its wings look almost like the night sky, black, dotted with white spots of various sizes. 

It tilts it head slightly at us.

I hear a small voice, sounding like it was coming from my own brain. Its quiet, barely audible. Lower than a whisper even. It sounded like a males voice.

"M-my name is V-Viserion." It says. My eyes go wide and I look to Renate. By his facial expression he heard it too. We both look over to the dragon. It looks at us knowingly.

"Was that you?" I ask.

The dragon nods its head.

"Well then, nice to meet you Viserion." I say. Viserion seems to relax slightly and looks less terrified.

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