Chapter 3

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Just after the car launch where Daniel and I discovered for the first time this funny and musical day. I spend some time with all the team and Natalie. She is one of the journalists I like the most, she is always sweet with us and when she has to ask us a difficult question during an interview, she always tells us before the interview, so we can prepare our answer. Around 8:30 pm, I said goodbye to everyone and send a message to Astrid who send me the address of her friend, Clarisse. I started my car, a McLaren 720S, and I left the MTC behind me in order to go the Silverstone Circuit, but first, to see a girl.

I arrived in Reading, and like Astrid said to me, her friend was in the centre of the campus of the university. There wasn't a lot of cars. I stopped the car in front of a building and searched the name Clarisse in all the different students' names. When I found it, I pressed the bell.

Hello, it's Clarisse, who is it ?"

Hi, I'm here for Astrid.

Oh yes, wait a second. Okay, the door is opened, 2nd floor and 3rd door on the right.

Thanks !

I walk upstairs to the second floor. When I arrived in front of the door, I heard laughs behind it. I just smiled. I knocked and the door was opened by Astrid herself.

"Hi Lando ! Come in. I will introduce you to my friend even if she knows your name too."

"Hi Astrid, thanks."

I followed her to a small room where was a girl and a boy. I saw the girl looking at me and Astrid with a confused look or maybe surprised. Or both. I don't know. Then she is just starting to talk.

"Astrid ! You didn't tell me that your friend was Lando Norris ! OMG !!!! Sorry I'm impolite, my name is Clarisse, Astrid's friend. We know each other since our 10 years old, we went to middle school and high school together. Oh, and this is my boyfriend."

"Hi, well I'm Lando, just Lando please. Sorry to be rude, but it's already late, and we have about 1 hour left to go to Silverstone." I said looking at Astrid because this last sentence was for her.

"Oh yes of course, sorry, I just have to take my stuff, and I'm ready to leave." She said while she was taking a small bag. She hugged her friend and just wave at the boy. We went out and went in my car. I started it when she started to speak.

So... I watched the car launch with Clarisse. How was it ? I mean, from your side...

Well, it was okay, it was the first time I saw the video of the musical day you know. Like Daniel said it: when we were doing the music, it sounded much better that it sounds in the video. Do you like the car ?

I have to say that from the outside, it looks the same, we have to wait to see it on track against the other cars.

Wise words. Let's talk about you if you want... just to know each other better.

There isn't a lot to say. I'm French, I live in the north of France since my birth. I have one sister who is older than me of 2 years. Furthermore, I'm in my first year of university, I'm studying law. I just have the results of the exams for my first semester, and I passed it. At home, we have 5 dogs, 4 Swiss dogs and 1 British dog. The Swissies are my parents' dogs, they are 3, 6 and 12 years old. I basically grew up with one of the oldest. The British dog is mine. Her name is Sigma, she is 1,5 year. I take her everywhere I go because she is like my soulmate. And that's it.

Come on ! You probably have something more to tell me... Like, your friends or maybe a boyfriend...

Friends ? My best friend is in France, I met her during my second year of middle school, but we aren't together at school any more, she is studying economic science. Clarisse was our friend too. We were really close, and we are still remarkably close, but we can't talk every day now that we are all at university. And a boyfriend ? No, I had one until September, but he didn't understand that I couldn't see him like I did when I was in high school and that my studies were important and everything so yeah, we aren't together since September. So, I don't want to talk. What about you ?

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