Chapter 32

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Hello everyone,

I'm sorry to have to put my A/N before the chapter but I'd like you to read what I have to say.

We all saw what happened on Sunday between Lewis and Max. In my opinion it was a racing incident. We all know that more than 75% of racing accidents happen during the first lap. We also knew that there was a significant risk that Lewis and Max would touch at some point during the season and that this would cause a major accident even though no one expected what happened. 51G is still a very significant impact and I'm surprised that he was able to get out of the car so quickly (I know he wasn't well when he got out: as evidence, he had to sit on his halo to get out).

I don't take sides. Just because I'm in favour of Max winning the championship this year doesn't mean I'm going to go straight to accusing Lewis of committing a foul. According to the rules: Lewis made a mistake, unfortunately it happened in one of the fastest corners of the circuit and Max paid the price. However, Lewis was penalised.

So, I ask you to stop criticising one or the other. It happened, it happened. There's nothing we can do about it now. Max is fine, that's the main thing. The way Lewis celebrated is normal: he won his home Grand Prix. The only thing I blame him for is the fact that in front of Dutch TV he didn't have the decency to ask about Max and went so far as to say that he had no regrets about what happened.

Thank you for your attention,

Enjoy the chapter

I love you all



The podium in Monaco had made the world go round, especially the pictures of me on my knees with the promise ring waiting for the answer of the girl I loved who was standing in front of me, surprised... We had a big party with all the drivers to celebrate this unexpected podium and the promise of Astrid and me. We all had a lot of fun. After this weekend more than full of emotions, a small group of us wanted to meet and rest in a quiet place before the weekend in Baku. Problem! We didn't know where to go. No one had an area that was far enough away that we couldn't be found. The answer came on Monday afternoon when Tris got a call: some friends of her parents, whom she considered as her grandparents, needed someone to look after their dogs for a week. Well, the phone was ringing while she was washing Sigma.

"Tris! Your phone is ringing, it's Catherine!" I shouted from the kitchen.

"You can answer it! But you'll have to speak French," she answered from the bathroom.


Hello, could I speak to Astrid?

Uh, she's washing Sigma. She said I could take the phone. I'll go up and bring her the phone.

Oh, you must be the British boyfriend she told us about. Lando?

That's right, that's me. Here, Tris, here's your phone. I'll put it on speaker. I'm gonna go back downstairs.

No, that's okay, stay...

*I sat on the floor at the entrance to the bathroom and scrolled through Instagram while she talked. My French was really improving!*

Hello Catherine, how are you?

I'm fine and you?

A bit tired from my weekend but all is well. How is Denis?

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